The Civil Engineering Center
To measure the mechanical stre ngth of cement by applying
Compressive and Tensile tests on Cement-Sand mortar.
Compressive strength of cement using mortar cubes:
B.S.12 – Part 2
ASTM : C 109
Tensile strength of mortar using briquettes:
B.S.12 – Part 2
ASTM : C 109
General Discussion:
In these tests (Compressive and
Tensile tests) we measured the mechanical strength of the hardened cement.
These tests are done on cement – sand mortar and not on the hardened cement itself, the r eason of not using neat cement past on these test is in th e following two points:
1. Difficulties in molding
(Getting good specimens).
2. Large variability of test results.
It is important that the resul tant mixture (Cement + sand + water) has the same properties as concrete. So the standard sand was chosen and the following properties were determined to it:
1. Consist of pure siliceous material.
2. The particles are nearly spherical shaped.
3. The size of its particles is smaller than 0.85mm (Pass through 15 B.S. sieve) and bigger than 0.60mm (Retain at 25 B.S. sieve).
A H M 531
Compressive and tensile strength of cement mortar
By: Ahmed Essam Mansour
The Civil Engineering Center
Visit for more lab reports and lecture notes!
A H M 531
The Civil Engineering Center
In the cement-sand mortar, the proportion between Cement and Sand is 1:3 and the W\C = 40%. The same mixture is used in the compressive test a nd in the tensile test.
Apparatus and Materials:
1. Pozzolan Cement.
2. Sweileh Sand.
3. Water.
4. Digital weighing scale, used to measure the weight of cement and sand.
5. Glass graduates, used to m easure the volume of water.
6. Cube moulds (three of them to make three specimens), the dimensions of the cubes: 10*10*10. These cubes are used to make compr essive test’s specimens.
7. Briquette moulds (Three of them to make three specimens), these