The following is the institutional format used by FC in conducting research:
A. Parts
Research shall consist of the following parts where applicable:
1. Title Page
2. Approval Sheet
3. Abstract
4. Dedication
5. Acknowledgment
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables
8. List of Figures
9. List of Appendices
10. Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background
11. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies
12. Chapter 3 Methods, Procedures, and Sources of Data
13. Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
14. Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations
15. Bibliography
16. Appendices
17. Curriculum Vitae
B. General Formatting
a. Fonts: Arial or Times New Roman Size 12 only
b. Margin: 1.5 inches on left side, 1 inch on all other sides
c. Paper: Use the approved FCAT research stationary
d. Binding: Emerald green with gold letters. Use approved format for title. Logo of school must be present on front. Spine must have the acronym FCAT or FC, the year of research defense and approval, and the title of the research.
C. Further Explanations per Part:
1. Title Page – Example:
(In bold, capitalized inverted pyramid format)
A Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Education
Fernandez College of Arts and Technology
Gil Carlos St., Baliwag, Bulacan
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
October 16, 2009
2. Approval Sheet – Please see Appendix A of this section for an example of an Approval Sheet
3. Abstract – The format for the abstract is:
Afterwards (in paragraph form) a summarized version of the following: Statement of the Problem, Methodology, Summary of Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations.
4. Dedication – The dedication should be limited to one