Everything we do and everything we see leaves some trace of an impression on us and represents something to each of us. That's why I feel that media is us. Media is everything. We are just representations. It makes me very frustrated to think seriously about this. It makes me question everything that I have had to believe as a member of society.
It makes me question countless things in my life. It made me think about life in general. What is reality? Truthfully, I don't know if there is a way to answer this question for everyone but I think we all need to examine our lives in general and the everyday lives that we live in and question them.
Everything we do or say has a representation so again, that is media. It is all around us. It is everywhere. Most places we don't even know that it is going on. In my inspection of my life and the media that surrounds me I have found media to be almost everywhere. It is everywhere. Almost everything I have and use has labels on it from clothes to