The conflict between Antigone and Creon is representative of the conflict between the Nazis and the French people, …show more content…
This also can be seen during Nazi occupied France because the conflict between the Nazi soldiers and the French people caused toxic relations between the French people, in which the people would spy on each other, and report the other person if they were not following the rules perfectly. As the reporter, would normally get some type of reward this made all of the citizens very worried and turned family member against family member, and friend against friend. This can be seen in the book as how the relationships between other characters begin to fall apart. The first relationship that this can be seen in is between Antigone, and Ismene; Antigone references early in the book that she was jealous of Ismene, “Do you remember how miserable it used to make me when I was little?” (Anouilh 10). Throughout the book the two characters are foils of one another where Antigone is the rebel not wanting to follow societal rules, where Ismene is the more traditional female, following the rules that their uncle has set with little to no questions. Later in the book; however, while Creon is sentencing Antigone to death Ismene bursts in and exclaims “All right, Antigone – all right! I’ll go tomorrow!” (Anouilh 49). This is opposing her earlier characterization, but for