
Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet

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Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet, the timeless play written by famous English playwright William Shakespeare takes place in Verona, Italy during the flourishing Renaissance. The main protagonists are Romeo and Juliet. These star-crossed lovers hail from the two feuding families: the Montagues and the Capulets. A secret marriage takes place between the two teenagers the moment they meet. Conflicts arise, and both Romeo and Juliet are forced to mature quickly. They depict bravery and devotion to their love for each other through their stubborn defiance against destiny. However, tragedy befalls them as they meet their unfortunate death in a futile attempt to escape their twisted fate. This classic play demonstrates how true love could drive people to the point …show more content…
In Act 1, he is persuaded by Benvolio, his cousin, to attend a masquerade party at the Capulet’s to soothe his heartache from his unrequited love for a woman. He attends the party accompanied by Benvolio and Mercutio, his friend. The moment Romeo’s gaze lands on Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulets, he falls in love with her and ends up kissing her twice. His actions are extremely hasty for a first encounter since he was spurred by merely his admiration of her stunning visage, and doesn’t think twice before doing it. His self-control and sense of boundaries are nonexistent. Early in Act II, he speaks to Juliet, who was on her balcony and talks about how much he loves her so. He said he was willing to do anything to “gain her.” His bold proclamation of his fierce love for her is abrupt. In the middle of Act III, Romeo was quick to draw a dagger to commit suicide. He is hiding at a priest’s place, where he is weeping in despair over his banishment due to the revenge he took on Tybalt, who killed Mercutio. Romeo is willing to kill himself for Juliet out of fear that she will hate him. He is content with taking his own life for a woman who he only met a couple days

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