“Gangs of New York” is a historical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese, produced in 2002. The film is set in 19th centaury New York and depicts the ongoing gang warfare surround the immigration and political policies of The five points.
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The major conflict within this text is political situation within new york in the mid 19th centaury, the conflict occurs between the “nativists”, lead by Bill the Butcher, who wish to impose a corrupt system of government in order to prevent Irish immigration, and the “dead rabbits” lead by Amsterdam, who wish for equality and a fair government.
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Scorsese uses highly juxtaposing costuming to depict the conflict between the newly arriving immigrated Irish, and the American …show more content…
The ironic nature of the statements made by Boss tweed in his pursuit to become the major of the five points “The appearance of the law must be upheld, especially while it is being broken” this shows the decay of morality and corruption caused by an excessive amount of power. Bill the butcher is shown to be stubborn individual with a pure hatred of the irsh, he posses much power amongst the villagers, obtained through primitive aggressive means. Bill slaughterhouse is a representation of his wealth, he chooses to display his power in a highly primitive fashion, and is willing to forgo morals in order to maintain this power. “My name is Amsterdam, Hello Amsterdam My name is New York” The boastful nature of this statement demonstrates the amount of control placed into the hands of bill. The pursuit of power is also seen to have a profound impact of personal agendas, “Each of the 5 points is a finger, when I close hand it becomes a fist and at any time I wish I can turn it against you” In this case metaphor is used to highlight the ability of bill to have control over the citizens of the 5 points, and shows his corrupt morality as he uses his power to fulfill personal