
Conflict In The Most Dangerous Game, By Richard Connell

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Conflict is one of the most critical parts of any plot; without it, there is no story. In the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, conflict appears throughout the entirety of the story. For instance, the general’s dangerous game is an example of man versus man conflict. Rainsford’s fight with the sea is a case of man versus nature. Additionally, as Rainsford struggles to keep himself sane, he is dealing with a man versus himself problem. All three types of conflict are seen in this short story. Zaroff’s murderous game of hunting humans is an instance where man versus man conflict is demonstrated. In the story, Rainsford is Zaroff’s prey and this is seen when Rainsford, “knew his pursuer was coming; he heard the padding sound of feet on the soft earth, and the night breeze brought him the perfume of the general’s cigarette”(12-13). Rainsford hides behind a stump of a tree after making a Burmese tiger pit in hopes of killing General Zaroff, thus ending the brutal game. Zaroff and Rainsford are fighting to the death throughout this story, and the general is always Rainsfords main obstacle to dodge. …show more content…

In his desperate effort to save his pipe, Rainsford falls off the edge of the yacht and is unable to get to shore. After “he fought the sea”(2), Rainsford clambers up the rocks and sleeps, for “all he knew was that he was safe from his enemy, the sea”(3). There are rocks lining the shore, so Rainsford has no option but to climb them, which is another demonstration of man versus nature conflict. Not only does Rainsford fight the sea, he also encounters quicksand; “He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech”(12). Rainsford gets caught in Death Swamp and desperately tries to save himself before his pursuer finds him. Nature always figures out a way to harm Rainsford while he is fleeing an alternate

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