Conflict management is the principle that all conflicts cannot necessarily be resolved, but learning how to manage conflicts can decrease the odds of nonproductive escalation. Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict resolution, self-awareness about conflict strategies, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment. Reported in Bloomberg businessweek by Karen Duncum (2010) there are six ways in which conflicts can be turned into a constructive dynamic:
• Stop ignoring conflict; it won’t make it go away.
• Act decisively to improve the outcome.
• Make the path to resolution open and honest.
• Use descriptive language rather than evaluative.
• Make the process a team building experience.
• Keep the upside in mine.
Karen Duncum further states “Focusing on the best characteristics of ourselves and those around us is easy. It’s the ability to roll up our sleeves and dig into problems that separates’ top performer from everyone else. Managers who successfully deal with conflict in their organizations will calm unrest, reduce turnover, motivate employees, and accelerate growth” (2010).
While it may seem, at times, that anything can start a conflict where you work, conflict typically stems from a limited number of causes. Amelia, Newcomb, of Christian Science (2001), states “there are traditionally eight causes of conflict. The first cause is conflicting needs. Employees often have to compete for resources, recognition and power, which ultimately
Bibliography: Build trust on a long-distance team.(20110 Communication Briefings, 30 (7), 8-8, Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. I found this article May 10, 2011 using OCLS database provided through library services of Indiana Wesleyan University Duncum K.(2011) Turning conflict into cooperation, Bloomberg Businessweek, Retrieved May 11,2011 I found this article May 10, 2011 using OCLS database provided through library services of Indiana Wesleyan University I found this article May 10, 2011 using OCLS database provided through library services of Indiana Wesleyan University Dunne G. Ph.D. and Aberson D. LCSW. (2003) Anger and conflict management, Personhood Press, Torrance, CA. I found this article May 10, 2011 using OCLS database provided through Library services of Indiana Wesleyan University