Story #2 Breaking the News A “Tell Your Team About downsizing” Adventure
As a manager, I think the best strategy for relaying the company’s decision to downsize would be by oral communication having a formal meeting with the whole team. I believe this is the best method because it keeps morale up and structure within the business. The team will appreciate honesty, and while they still have some concerns, they feel confident that you have their backs – even if things do not work out. (Breaking the News). The lines of communications between upper management and employees become open so each part has time to explain their side and also answer any questions. In a managerial position, it is difficult to explain to employees that the company is thinking about downsizing. In reference to the story #2 Breaking the News A “Tell Your Team About Downsizing” Adventure the company told management that downsizing was going to happen across the business affecting 100 employees. Employees affected by the downsizing are most of the sandwich development department and brine recycling & traditional print marketing department. The online marketing teams will not be affected , and no more downsizing will occur the rest of the year. Management should hold a face to face meeting with all employees. The best way to handle gossip is by avoiding small talk, management should clearly explain the current situation without being too dramatic and be prepared to answer questions. Avoid beating around the bush. It is extremely important to explain details to all employee. Work place gossip can cause a great deal of harm to an organization. There are several ways in which gossip can hurt a business. The ways are listed as follows: Lost productivity and wasted time, morale and trust can no longer exist, increased anxiety among employees as rumors circulate without any clear information as to what is fact and what is not, divisiveness tends to grow among employees as people