Conflict Theory
Dr. Starner
April 17, 2014
The conflict theory is one of three major ideologies of sociology that explains social life. It conveys life as a constant struggle between groups for power and scarce resources. This rationale was established by Karl Marx who observed small powerful groups exploiting the people in social classes below them. Marx and other conflict theorists believe that we need inequality to survive, and struggle among social classes is normal. The conflict theory best explains social life than other theories for many reasons. One being it explains the inequalities of money, gender, class, and age in the most accurate way. These types of characteristics obviously create advantages and disadvantages for people. They inadvertently …show more content…
A total of 36 students, including 18 students in experimental group and 18 students in control group, participated in the research. When assigning students to experimental group or control group, Decision Making Scale for Adolescents, Socio-Economic Status Scale, Problem Solving Inventory, Self-Esteem Scale, Locus of Control Scale, and Parental Style Inventory were used. While the experimental group participated in a psycho-educational based group application that was based upon Conflict Theory, the control group did not participate in any kind of application. The findings of the research indicated that decision making skill training group applications increased the self-esteem level of adolescents and the application of adaptive coping style, whereas there was a decline in the application of maladaptive coping style and this effect seemed to be long term” (