Najaf Mazari takes the reader on rollercoaster ride with his experiences and that of his countrymen exploring the tragedies that have plagued his country Afghanistan. The novel starts off by explaining the negative consequences of his illegal arrival in Australia. The trials and frightening experiences also have a very happy ending. The depression and loss of hope when he is stuck in the Woomera camp is more than balance and he and his daughter and wife are granted citizenship. This is the nature of conflict. Sometimes it is a two edged sword wrecking havoc with one side and bringing unlimited joy and happiness and a new way of life on the other side.
In Libya, its citizens had to experience decades of injustice and a lack of freedom. Eventually the burden became too heavy and the people took up arms against the state. Naturally many sacrifices had to be made and many people lost their lives and the lives of their precious ones before they could gain anything positive out of the months of conflict. Libya is still an unsettled country but it seems that admits all the confusion there is at least the promise of freedom that they enjoy.
Mazari and his people suffered terrible tragedies under the rule of the Taliban. The accounts he gives of the horrific deeds that members of