Confucianism adheres to these parts. A religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power.
In virtually every other dominant ancient religion this holds true. In the lands of Egypt, the belief in a great many Gods, all in charge of a specific task, was the religion accepted by the community. For a small time, the religion even was changed by the Pharaoh to monotheism, before switching back into polytheism. In the ancient lands of India, the belief of Hinduism was the accepted religion. Despite the fact that Hinduism is considered a way of life, a Dharma, there were still many Hindu Gods, such as Ganesha, that Hindus trusted and believed in. However, when one considers Confucianism, one would find no belief in any higher being or God. There is no higher force in Confucianism, which conflicts with a part of the definition of a
religion. Looking further, we can see that with every religion follows with it certain celebrations and holidays. In the Hebrew religion, there are many holidays, such as Purim. In the ancient Egyptian religion, there were numerous holidays as well, all in honor of their many Gods. Each of these religions also had religions ceremonies held in temples, such as festivals performed by priests in the Hindu religion. However, Confucianism does not contain either of these practices. There are no holidays in Confucianism, and there are no religious ceremonies to be performed. Although ancient religions differed in viewpoints, there were many redeeming similarities between the religions. It is from these similarities that a definition of what a religion is was formulated from, and how to classify a thought system as a religion. Because Confucianism simply does not contain the bare necessities of other religions, it is not possible to classify Confucianism as a religion on its own.