Confucianism Research Paper
Confucianism Research Project Confucianism has easily been influential in the development of the Chinese state through history. In fact, the core ideals of Confucianism have evolved. Despite the harsh repression of Confucianism by Marxist revolutionaries during the second half of the twentieth century, Confucian values continues to be influential in Chinese society and recently, Confucian political philosophy has resurfaced again. In addition, the political ideas and social ethics of Confucianism can provide the basis for a new, functional form of government in China. Confucianism can be a viable political philosophy for China in the twenty first century because many intellectuals have turned to Confucianism to make sense of such social practices, to think of ways of dealing with China’s current social and political predicament, and to resolve the conflicts between the morals of the Confucian and Communist ideas. “Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. (Confucianism)” Confucius’ real name was Kong Qiu, and he was generally known as Master Kong. “Judging from the little direct evidence that still survives, however, it appears the Kong Qiu did not view himself as the founder of a school of thought, much less as the originator of anything. (Teiser 3) The Zhou political structure had been decaying for more than 200 years during his lifetime, and Master Kong’s goal was to restore social and political harmony by “reviving the moral character of the ruling class and the literate elite. (Adler 1)” Three major virtues in which he felt were the “basis of morality” were humanity, ritual propriety, and filial respect. Confucius said “humanity was the essential goodness and affection for others that makes us unique from other animal species. (Adler 1)” Following Confucius, Mencius put it, “To be human is to be humane.” Ritual propriety is the “necessary outward expression in behavior of that
Bibliography: Bell, Daniel A. "From Marx to Confucius: Changing Discourses on China 's Political Future."
"Confucianism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Oct. 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. .
Teiser, Stephen F. "The Spirits of Chinese Religion." Http:// Ed. Donald S. Lopez. 1996 Princeton University Press.
Adler, Joseph A. "Confucianism in China Today." 14 Apr. 2011. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. .
Arnhart, Larry. "Darwinian Conservatism by Larry Arnhart." : Daniel Bell and The Chinese Confucian Party. 9 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. .