A sense of propriety, courtesy, respect, deference to elders c. Xiao: Filial piety, familial obligation d. Develop personal ethics and Junzi for bringing order to China 4. Mencius (372-289 B.C.E.), spokesman for the Confucian school a. Believed in the goodness of human nature (Ren) b. Supported government by generosity and humanity 5. Xunzi (298-238 B.C.E.) had a less positive view of human nature a. Believed that humans selfishly pursue own interests b. Preferred harsh social discipline to bring order to society c. Supported moral education and good public behavior B Daoism Featured Prominent Critics of Confucian Activism 1.…
Confucianism, developed by the philosopher Confucius, during times of conflict in early B.C, soon became the dominating belief system in China. Confucianism was based on mutual relationships; husband to wife, father to son, leader to subjects. Social harmony could be achieved through respect for the elders, as well as respect and kindness for those people lower in social rank. This applied to the politics of China because it set the basis for the belief of obedience to the emperor, as long as the emperor treated his subjects kindly, and with respect. The idea of Filial Piety was humility towards one superior. Because of this, in China, leaders and elders were in the highest regard.…
Confucians believed that people become fully human by being social; Daoists believe that one becomes human by being natural; we need to be ourselves…
d. Develop personal ethics and Junzi for bringing order to China 4. Mencius (372-289 B.C.E.), spokesman for the Confucian school a. Believed in the goodness of human nature (Ren) b. Supported government by generosity and humanity 5. Xunzi (298-238 B.C.E.) had a less positive view of human nature a. Believed that humans selfishly pursue own interests b. Preferred harsh social discipline to bring order to society c. Supported moral education and good public behavior B Daoism Featured Prominent Critics of Confucian Activism 1. Preferred rational reflection and self-examination, a life in harmony with nature 2. Laozi, founder of Daoism, allegedly wrote the Daodejing a. Classic of the Way and of Virtue…
The Daoist thought developed in response to the turbulence of the late Zhou dynasty and the Period of the Warring States, just like Confucianism. Unlike Confucianism, the Daoists considered it pointless to waste time and energy on problems that defied solution. Instead of Confucian social activism, the Daoists devoted their energies to reflection and introspection, hoping to understand the natural principles that governed the world in order to live in harmony with them.…
Since the warring states period, Daoism has had been an actor in Chinese politics and religious life. Daoism began as a way of life for Chinese people who discovered that through meditation they could free themselves from the burdens of this world. As the religion developed, many groups arose that specialized in certain aspects of attaining oneness with the Dao. Zhengyi or Celestial Masters was founded in the first century CE. This sect focused on the community and rituals, and still does today. Quanzhen or Complete Perfection was founded in the twelfth century CE. This sect focused on monastic life with specific rules regarding diet. In modern China, these two sects are most prevalent and the Longmen lineage of Quanzhen being the most common in China. These are the only prevalent sects due to harsh treatment of Daoists in the early twentieth century under the Republic of China and Mao Zedong. The first attacks against Daoism came with the Jesuit missionaries in the seventeenth century. Then, during the Cultural Revolution in 1966 -1976 Daoism was almost completely destroyed. After Mao died and the revolution ended, in 1978 Daoism could be practiced again and started to recover. The Chinese government promoted the formation of the Chinese Taoist Association, which allowed the government to control the actions of Daoist temples and gave the Daoists the chance to rebuild their religion. Daoist temples were destroyed during Mao’s rule, so with the formation of the CTA, Daoists were able to reconstruct their temples and build new ones. The CTA oversees all that goes on in the temples including rituals and ordinations in order to ensure that the practices are in line with Chinese law. With the CTA watching and influencing every Daoist action, the religion is able to grow and spread across the world. However, the traditional Daoist thoughts and practices are skewed to fit the way the Communist Chinese government officials think Daoism should be…
With the many customs of the Chinese Empire, the practices of Confucianism came along. The teachings of Confucius preached behavior based upon the five relationships (doc.1). The values of the five relationships were respect, obedience and care taking. The teachings of Confucius included a huge belief in education (doc.2). The teachings of Confucius created the bases for the Chinese value of Respect because they were taught to respect their superiors. The teachings of Confucius created the value of education in china. For example, Chinese boys studied from age 7 until they took the civil service exam to attain a government position which brought wealth and power to their families (doc.4).…
Confucianism and its ideals stood for a rigid hierarchical behavior. A person had their set role in society, and one had many moral obligations to follow. Taoism, on the other hand, stood more for the person, and not for the society; closely related to the Greek and Western classical ideals. This stood in complete objection for the Confucian ideals, which is one of the reasons that Daoism originated, in opposition to Confucianism.…
One of the greatest areas where Confucianism and Taoism differ is in their primary focus. Confucianism focuses on the social, earthly orientation of everyday life. According to Confucius, humans are innately social beings with a natural capability for goodness, which, if followed, leads to social harmony. If you behave in a way that is expected by the greater harmonious society, you become superior. In Confucianism, a superior man is one who has taught himself to follow societal expectations. On the other hand, Daoism places much more focus on the person’s connection to himself to achieve inner harmony. Daoism is based on the book Tao te Ching, which translates into “The Way of Life.” Its philosophy concentrates on harmony and balance, while pursuing balance in life through meditation and doing only what is necessary. It is much less earthly in nature and places importance on “coming into harmony” with the Dao, the ultimate reality that formed the universe and everything around us. Daoism is an out of world experience that embraces the Tao, which is the greater reality that is composed of the universe and everything else. While they both dwell on the improvement of the individual, Confucianism looks outward to accomplish this, while Daoism looks…
The definition of Ultimate Reality is different across all religions. Based on chapter one of the textbook, Ultimate Reality can be categorized into three different terms. These terms are theistic, monistic, and non-theistic. The religions studied so far all have different beliefs in the Ultimate Reality, as well as some similarities between them. Out of the seven religions that have been covered so far, all of them believe in different Ultimate Reality’s whilst also being inspired by some other religion.…
Confucianism believes in teaching moral ways for people to follow to lead a peaceful life. Confucianism believes in five relationships to assist in ways to lead a peaceful life: 1) Father and Son, 2) Elder Brother and Younger Brother, 3) Husband and Wife, 4) Elder and Junior and 5) Ruler and Subject (Corduan, 2012, p. 407). Confucianism believe in one god but also worship ancestors. Buddha is honored by some people following Confucianism but also atheists can also practice Confucianism (Diffen, n.d.).…
Confucius believed that a peaceful society occurred “when all people acted properly based on their roles with others” (Source #1.) To add on, he believed that people should respect and obey those above them. One of Confucius’s goals was “to bring people to a virtuous way of life” (Source #2.) In other words, Confucius didn’t believe in using military power or punishments per Source #4. However, his philosophy does take some actions and doesn’t just let things be. Per Source #3, Confucius said, “People need to treat each other as they would like to be treated.” Using Confucianism would not only inspire students to act properly, but chances are, everyone would be kinder to one another if they used the treat others how you wish to be treated saying in all their actions. Also, students who do a small wrong deed won’t be severely punished, but some action will be taken, just enough to tell the student to stop. To wrap up, Confucianism is the middle pathway to run a…
Confucianism is a religion based on peace and equality. It centers on worshipping ancestors, it is the respect of deceased ancestors whose spirits are believed to control the opulence of others. Filial piety is also another trait that Confucianism centers on, which is the faithfulness to respect the elders of the family by the younger members. Confucianism has 6 main primary principles which is the golden rule, the gentlemanly man of virtue, the proper playing of society’s role, the power of virtue, the ideal standards of conduct, and peaceful arts. Confucius founded Confucianism. Confucius referred to himself as an examiner who deliberately tried to claim the meaning of the past by breathing vitality into seemingly outmoded…
He thought of many rules and even a version of the golden rule saying, "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others." (The World Book Encyclopedia 2004 World book, Inc. Chicago IL. Volume 4) Many consider Confucianism as a religion, but it has no clergy and doesn't involve any type of worship. It is more of a guide to mortality and good government. Confucianism originated about 500 BC, and from 100's BC to the 1900's AD Confucianism was the most important single force in Chinese life. This religion influenced education, government, personal behavior, and the individuals' duty to society. Confucianism started because of a philosopher named Confucius, born about 551BC. He believed his society could be saved if it emphasized sincerity in personal and public conduct. The Confucian's believed the key to orderly social life was gentlemen. Confucius believed they were rulers. He wasn't very well known when he came to his death. It was his followers that spread his ideas, Mencius, (390?-305? BC) and there was Xunzi (mid 200s BC). Mencius believed that you were to be born good and he stressed the need to preserve "the natural compassion of the heart" that makes people human. He also emphasized the past as an ideal age and a model for examining present problems. And Xunzi believed "people could be good and live together peacefully only if their minds were shaped by education and clear rules of conduct". (The World Book Encyclopedia 2004 World book, Inc. Chicago IL. Volume…
Confucianism is about respect to elders and education was also important. Confucianism also believed in life goals and what you need to achieve. But on the other hand Daoism is all about knowing and understand how the world works around you. And not try to change it but try to working with it. It proves that Confucianism is not about nature and world but Daoism is. That is why China was able to accept 2 different basic belief systems.…