Although Han China and Rome shared similarities in their techniques of imperial administration though military conquest and engineering’s aid toward the economy, they differed in their approach to land distribution.…
Han China and Ancient Athens were both very successful cities. The Chinese empire was much larger and was a more unified nation than Greece. Greece was made of many city-states that fought between themselves more often than they fought together. But despite their disputes, Greece had managed to produce many talented philosophers and historians, such as Pericles, Sophocles, Socrates, and Plato. Many historians think it was because of the Greek political system. The following document will compare and contrast Ancient Athens and Han China and show how different the two nations really are using facts about the cities’ physical nature, their governments, and their citizenship:…
Cincinnatus was a Roman Hero. Cincinnatus lived from the early 6th century BCE into the late 5th century BCE. Cincinnatus was a consul and a Roman patrician. Cincinnatus had a son, named Caeso and he committed a crime. Caeso was put on trial, was found guilty and his punishment was death. Cincinnatus used his power and influence to make a deal with the government. Cincinnatus’ family would leave Rome for their son to be saved. Cincinnatus’ family lived in a farm for a couple years. In those years, nearby tribes called the Aequi and Volscians teamed up to attack Rome. The war lasted for about two years and it was very intense. Rome was losing this war and they wanted to appoint Cincinnatus as a temporary dictator. They sent a messenger to…
Herodotus and Cabeza de Vaca were very influential writers in their day. They could not have been more apart in years though. Herodotus was before the birth of Christ and was one of the first writers to go into detail about events that had happened in the past. He went into great detail about wars and things like that. One of his greatest works was when he went into detail about the Egyptian culture and how they lived. Cabaza was one of the first Europeans to discover America and explore there. He and his crew were shipwrecked and taken slaves by Native Americans. Luckily Cabaza and some of his crew escaped and wandered America for eight years. He finally came in contact with his Spaniards…
The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire both expanded their boundaries to the point where many thought they would be impossible to defeat. Regardless of that power, both empires had very devastating falls. Though they were both very different societies, China having a centralized bureaucracy, and Rome having a rule based on laws and private authorities, like many empires, many aspects of their defeat are similar. Some of the ideas contributing to this fall was the stress on military, the high taxes placed on citizens, and the religions of each empire.…
Classical Rome (1st century BCE to 4th century CE) and China during the Qin dynasty and the Han dynasty were very different times. They both had many differences but also shared some similarities. Some topics that both of the countries were different in and shared similarities was treatment of slaves, role and view of women, and the social class structure and role of citizens.…
A history teacher wants to teach history. How would he/she do this? There are many different ways to present history to a wide variety of audience members. People understand and interpret information all on a different level because of the way an author would present it, whether it be through an article or picture. There are many formats as to which there could be information presented - articles, videos, poems, and artwork. Three things that are essential to answering the question above: the genre of the information, knowing the audience, and containing the subject knowledge. The presentation must contain the above components to affect one's understanding of history in the most effective way. Despite all this, one must remember that no one…
The founding father of Philosophy was known as Socrates, he was born on 469 BCE and was later executed on 399 BCE while Athens was dealing with the Peloponnesian war against Sparta (Ancient). The decision to execute Socrates during the war may had been the fragile state that Athens was dealing with while in war. If there wasn’t a war the outcome of his death could had been a different.…
Pride has forever been seen as a negative characteristic. In the Holy Bible, it is seen as a characteristic of the devil. The devil 's pride led him to the desire to be more powerful than God. As a result, he was expelled from the holy kingdom and sentenced to live among society. That has been a tragedy for humanity because the devil brought all of his evil with him and spread it among the living. It was God 's will to expel him from the heavens and it is now the will of society whether to live as proud as the devil. A character of pride is a person that is arrogant and too stubborn to understand reasoning, so to speak. In the plays Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles, similar scenarios are present in the way that there are those characters who live with pride and try to prevent the wills of the gods. The one difference in these two plays is that the main characters are of the opposite sex, which readers may conclude…
Imagine a place where students follow acts of goodness that older students have done, have respect for staff, act kind towards all, and there is no fighting or bullying. If Confucianism was implemented at Evergreen Middle School, that could be a reality. Confucianism is one of the three main Chinese philosophies created during the Warring States Period, a time when rulers fought others to increase their power and land. Another philosophy created during the Warring States Period was Daoism, which was created by Laozi. Some Daoism beliefs include that harmony with nature leads to peace and happiness and that one should accept whatever happens (letting nature take its course.) The other main Chinese philosophy was Legalism. Per Source #5, “Legalism in Ancient China was a philosophical belief that human beings are more inclined to do wrong than right because they are motivated entirely by…
This paper will explore and discuss the social and political philosophy of Confucius and Aristotle, the views on virtue. The paper will examine the craft and artistic accomplishments these two philosophers mastered. Furthermore, the paper will explore and compare the two views.…
Confucius was a philosopher, a teacher and a political figure. Confucius was born in 551 B.C. in Tuo, China. He founded Confucianism, which became a model for the way Chinese society developed over the centuries. Confucius died in 479 B.C. in Qufu, China. Today he is widely considered one of the most influential thinkers in Chinese history.…
He was born at Tsou, in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province,…
1. “No greater grief than to remember days of joy when misery at hand.” - Marcos Aurelius…
What kind of person was Confucius in everyday life? Focus on the following: his clothing and diet, his possessions, his pastimes, the company he kept, and anything else that is relevant.…