I will re-enlist because I have hope that the Committee of Congress will be here for us in times of need. The picture in Document B shows, “George Washington presenting the Congressional Committee to soldiers at Valley Forge”, this showed me that George Washington knows what he’s doing and knows how to treat his men. Having the Congressional Committee stop by and retrieve supplies for the retreat gave everyone hope that the people do care for our health. If the people from the Congressional Committee are loyal to us then it just seems right to be loyal for them. …show more content…
We are not a nation of Summer Soldiers, we can’t just jump on the bandwagon when the war is going swell, we need to stick with America and the troops that are fighting for us. The essay that is in Document D and Thomas Paine wrote states his ideas of what our nation will become if we don’t stick with our ‘team’. Thomas Paine wrote, “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” What I got from this was, a soldier who is loyal to fighting will receive the highest of honor. If I left the ware then I’d probably start a revolt and that’s doing more dam that the damage that’s actually being