The first being that both the top and the bottom chords for the anchor and cantilever arms of the bridge were mostly designed as straight pieces. This was done to make the construction of the bridge easier and cheaper. The top chords that attached to the anchor and the cantilever arms on the Quebec Bridge were created to be slightly curved, because the engineers believed it looked more aesthetically pleasing. However, the curvature of the chords added to the secondary stresses on the members, and reduced their buckling capacity. The engineering records for the building of the Quebec Bridge has stated in it, “As a rule secondary stresses are much more dangerous in tension that in compression members, which seem to have been the first to give way in the Quebec…
Briefly describe the type of joint, movement allowed at the joint, and primary structures associated to the joint (i.e. ligaments, muscles/tendons, cartilage/bursae, etc.);…
Some were the shear height of the bridge and make the bridge reach across the canyon. The bridge was cast in place and had all the concrete shipped to the site and poured on site. The site used a lot of steel, concrete and cable.…
Each type of design is although, unique in its own way, fulfills the desired goal that the Truss Brides are made for. The purpose of this experiment is to research various bridges and build a similar one that gave the students the highest inspiration. For one case in particular, the bridge design was in-spired by the Pratt Bridge and almost every height, width, and length met the requirements ex-cept for the length on the bottom part of the bridge, it exceeded the maximum height that was asked. Moreover the bridge held a total of 20 pounds before one of the top sticks snapped. Alt-hough it performed a decent job, the bridge could have held more weight if there were more di-agonals to provide more support so the bridge wouldn't break. Furthermore, this bridge fulfilled its goal and held a large amount of weight for such a small bridge. These bridges are also very significant for this planet because it is very resourceful and effective, as well as…
Boon, G. (2008). 5 Steps to Building a Model Bridge [EBL version]. Retrieved from…
The related costs, dimensions and load capacity of the bridge It was decided that balsa wood and a Pratt truss would be the most appropriate materials and design to use for this application. This was due to both materials being strong, effective and cheap, allowing the raw materials cost to remain low while also preventing over engineering. This is a reasonable result for a light prototype bridge which only weighs approximately 150g. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................…
Truss bridges are recognizable because of their numerous, relatively small interconnected triangles. This framework of triangles is used for is strength to withstand tension and compression forces. They are considered a light-weight yet a very stiff form of construction. At first they were built of wood, then with the discovery of welding they began to build then using iron, then steel. Occasionally, a combination of the materials may be used. There are actually 30 different kinds of truss bridges. Truss bridges were commonly built before the 1930’s. They are considered expensive to build today and are considered to be labor intensive and costly to maintain. Truss bridges are frequently found to be used for railroad bridges and typical spans can range from 40m to 500m.…
The diagonal members are in compression and the vertical web members are in tension…
The materials that were used to construct this bridge consisted of prestressed concrete, steel casings, prestressed steel, reinforcing steel wire strands and polyethylene. It was built on each side of the land and was eventually connected together in the middle. It was constructed by using a formtraveller (a travelling formwork) and setting up the formwork before positioning and tensioning the cables. They then proceeded to place the reinforcement cement and pouring on the concrete. This was made in a cycle with each cycle being used to make…
This bridge was one of the bridges that we thought as a group that can hold the much weight because of its structures. At first it was really hard to figure out on how to build it but three minds always work better then one so as we figured out the best way to built it we would test it ourselves.…
If 100 people are released from prison, and 75 of them relapse back into their previous criminal behavior, is the prison system sufficient? (Page 10. No Place For Kids- The Case for Reducing Juvenile Incarceration.) Based off of Robert Merton’s structural strain theory, Kohlberg's morality scale, tragedy of the commons, and Walter Mischel's theory of delayed gratification, it can be proved that the United States Criminal Justice system is flawed.…
According to the dictionary, a bridge is a structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road, railroad, or other obstacle. Bridges are essential for transportation. Whether it's a canyon, or a body of water, bridges allow travel over those gaps from one part of land to the other. The world would be forever changed without bridges.…
In conclusion, our hypothesis which stated that the truss bridge will be the bridge with greatest weight bearing capacity was right. The truss that supported its bridge had a greater effect than an arch bridge’s arc that similarly acts like a truss.…
In conclusion the I-35W Bridge’s design had some flaws which led to the collapse of it in August 1, 2007 and in this paper we spoke about the structural form of the I-35W bridge, some circumstances that led to the collapse, why the bridge fell and some post-effects of the collapse. If the construction company have calculated that the bridge was already in enough stress and not placed the construction material above the design flaws, which were the gusset plates, the collapse would have been…
The very first bridges were made by nature itself, as simple as a log fallen across a stream or stones in the river. The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement. Some early Americans used trees or bamboo poles to cross small caverns or wells to get from one place to another. A common form of lashing sticks, logs, and branches together involved the use of long reeds or other harvested fibers woven together to form a connective rope which was capable of binding and holding in place materials used in the first bridges.…