Since you see them everywhere, why not try and learn more about them?
* the earth's orbit is in the shape of an ellipse, which is pretty much like an oval, however its really close to a circle, in the earth's case, just a little bit squished…
Ecliptic - a plane in space defined by Earth’s orbit around the Sun; plane by which the orbit of all other planets in the solar system are compared…
6. 465 Kepler – 3 laws of planetary motion: 1. orbits of planets were elliptical, not circular w/ sun at one focus rather than in center 2. speed of planet greater when nearer to sun, slower when further from sun 3. planet's w/ larger orbits revolve at slower avg than those w/ smaller orbits…
The circles in Ptolemy’s system were not orbits but rather components of mathematical calculations meant to predict planetary positions.…
• The Ptolemaic Model was the most well-known and widely accepted way of explaining planetary movement and the solar system structure for thousands of years. Courtesy Rare Book Division, Library of Congress. Ptolemaic orbits, from "Harmonia Macrocosmica" by Andreas Cellarius, 1661 The Heliocentric Model – The Sun takes center stage • In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus developed his version of the heliocentric model • The Sun has replaced Earth as the center of the universe and all of the planets including Earth revolve around the Sun.…
In this lab we examined the elliptical nature of plametary orbits. In the first part we learned the Law of Equal Areas, a law concerning the speed at which planets travel; a line connecting a planet to the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal times; "Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun"…
Hipparchus assumed that all of the solar system bodies visible to the naked eye (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun Jupiter and Saturn) revolved around the earth in an ellipse pattern (Jones, A.R., n.d.). (O’Connor, 1999) Example Two Ptolemaic Model Circa 100 A.D Rome- A man by the name of Claudius Ptolemy developed the most widely known version of the geocentric model.…
In ancient civilizations it was believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe (Geocentric model). This was the accepted belief at the time. Many philosophers and scientists wrote works based on the Geocentric model. The understanding that the Earth being the center of the universe began to change as scientists (Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler) researched, used mathematics and physics.…
-The geocentric theory was accepted primarily because the Ptolemaic view with its system of orbits and “suborbits” or “epicycles” did a better job of “saving the phenomenon”…
3. Kepler’s first Law is that all planets orbit in an elliptical (egg shaped) orbit where the sun is one focal point.…
Throughout the Scientific Revolution was a progressive movement that that place in the 16th and 17th century. Scientist and Philosophers would have to reexamine traditionally held values. Nowhere is this best exemplified as is in the reshaping of the European view of the universe. Since the Middle Ages the Catholic Church had followed the Ptolemaic model of the universe, a geocentralized solar system where the Earth is orbited by the various planets in regular, crystalline spheres. The Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus, however, presented a system where the sun was the center of the solar system, thereby solving numerous mathematical problems encountered at the time. German astronomer Johannes Kepler further championed Copernicanism by discovering that the path of the planets' orbits is elliptical rather than circular, as was previously thought. English physicist Sir Isaac Newton would later justify this theory by establishing his laws of gravity.…
Johannes Kepler- (1571-1630) Brahe’s one time assistant and German mathematician. While working mathematically with Brahe’s records on the movement of Mars, Kepler was ultimately able to prove that the planet did not move in a circular orbit but in an ellipse. He also discovered that the paces of the planets accelerated when they approached the sun. From this he concluded that the sun might emit a magnetic force that directed the planets in their courses.…
The epicycle rotated and revolved along the deferent with uniform motion. However, Ptolemy found that the rate at which the deferent revolved was not constant unless he measured it from another point at an equal distance from the eccentric, which he called the equant. It was the angular rate at which the deferent moved around the equant that was constant. It was the use of the equant that distinguished the Ptolemaic system.…
The aging population are making more doctors visits to offices and hospitals. Hospitals are seeing in increase in older people than they were ten years ago. The aging population have more complications and have to have more tests and more care that results in a longer wait time in hospitals due to the nurse shortgage. The average length of a hospital stay for older people 65 years and older was 5.6 days. Older people average more office visits with doctors but most do not seek medical care due to financial barriers. Hospital staff needs to be able to spend more time with each patient due to more and more people are using emergency rooms to get their health care needs. In smaller rural areas the wait is usually shorter than that of a larger urban hospital (Hellmich 2008).…
Cited: Cordoba, Nicolas E., and Kara Sarkis. The surveyor 's Theodolite formula. Orlando: Orange County Press, 2012. Print…