When the single-use plastic shopping bag was introduced to consumers worldwide in the mid 1960s, a time when governments encouraged their economies into extravagant consumerist lifestyles, I doubt the general population considered the consequences these bags would have on our environment. These bags revolutionized commercial industry by providing us with lightweight, water-resistant, flexible bags for a hassle-free shopping experience. We so thoroughly adopted the practice of consumption that by 2004 an estimated 4 to 5 trillion bags were produced globally, with Northern America and Western Europe accounting for more than 80% of the use of this product (Behind the Scenes). Were the plastic bags to end up solely in landfills, they would compare better even than paper bags for their effect on the environment since neither type decomposes well in such a situation. These innocuous seeming bags, however, often times go where they should not. They can be found washed up along coastlines, tangled in tree limbs, clogged inside gutters and water outflows, wrapped around fences, and even caught in the throats of animals mistaking the bags for food. It is documented that over 267 species of animals have been found suffering from entanglement and ingestation of plastic marine debris (Ocean in peril). Every year, tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals, and turtles die from contact with ocean-borne plastic bags. Even if the bag manages to disintegrate somewhat (even though estimates place decay happening over a 1,000 year period) it poses a threat to smaller marine life that accidentally ingest toxic chemicals contained in the plastic particles. While some manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to exert an effort in reducing these environmental hazards, such as introducing bags made of biodegradable material, the “disposable” plastic shopping bag remains as one of the most epic global dilemmas of our generation.
A recent article in The
Cited: Worldwatch Institute, 2007. Print. COG Staff, Department of Environmental Programs. "Plastic Bag Report 2012 Update ." Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments 2 (2012): 6-8 Halweil, Brian, Lisa Mastny, Erik Assadourian, and Linda Starke. "Behind the Scenes: Plastic Bags." State of the world, 2004: a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. 22, 23. Print.