In E.M. Forster’s novel, Howard’s End, connection is perhaps the most important theme of the story, as the words "Only connect" make up its epigraph. Connections are necessary in many cases such as family, friends, and many other acquaintances. Howard’s End deals with conflict of class distinctions and human relationships. Connecting within oneself is a very important role which we are introduced to through Mr. Henry Wilcox’s character and his development between family and friends throughout the story. His new wife, Margaret Schlegel, knows Mr. Wilcox could open up and “connect” if he only tried to focus on things other than business. She urges him to “only connect”, yet he cannot as he is so full of concentration. Forster also demonstrates the importance of connecting with others. He does so by proving the connection of the Schlegel family, one of the more prominent families in the novel, to Leonard Bast, a poor insurance clerk who doesn’t have much going for him. Forster provides his readers with this example of connection as Leonard Bast speaks with the Schlegels after his late night walk. Discussing many theories and intellecutal ideas, the Schlegels are only interested in his personal stories. Many forms of connection play throughout this novel, rather they be between the two families (Schlegel’s and Wilcox’s) , the rich and the poor (Schlegel’s and Bast’s), one’s family (Schelgel sisters), or within the neighborhood. Connection within the novel is the biggest and most memorable theme in Forster’s novel. I believe it is safe to say that no one group or social class can do without the others; it is made evident by Forster’s assertion that connection between all humans is achievable. Leslie White suggests in her article, “Vital Disconnection in Howard’s End”, “If Forster's intentions were merely to show that connection of this or any kind is undesirable or impossible to achieve, the book would be little more than an "ethically
Cited: Colmer, John. “Marriage and Personal Relationships in Forster’s Fiction”. E.M. Forster’s Centenry Revaluations. Quebec; 1982. 25 April 2013. Web. Forster, E.M. Howard’s End. 1910. David Lodge. London: Penguin. 2000. Print. Teachout, Jeffery Frank. “E.M. Forster: Only Connect”. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2007. Web. White, Leslie. “Visual Disconnection in Howard’s End”. Twentieth Century Literature, Volume 51. Hostra University Stable; 2005. 25 April 2013. Web.