Joaquin Cordova
New Mexico Highlands University Advanced Standing MSW Program
February 9, 2010
Conrad Jarrett: Psychosocial Assessment
General Data
Conrad Jarrett is a teenager from Lake Forest, Illinois. He is the son of Beth and Calvin Jarrett and younger brother of deceased brother Buck Jarrett. He currently lives with his mother and father.
Reason for referral
Mr. Jarrett was receiving treatment from psychiatrist, Dr. Berger after being released after a four-month stay in a psychiatric hospital. Dr. Berger is having a hard time getting Mr. Jarrett to open up and was referred for further evaluation.
Presenting Problem
According to Mr. Jarrett, he has alienated himself …show more content…
from his friends and family and grief issues relating to the death of his brother and close friend.
Biophysical Functioning
Physical characteristics and presentation
Mr. Jarrett is a tall in stature with a good physique and facial features. There are visible indications of past attempts of suicide. Scars are located on his wrists where cutting was attempted. He presents himself in a timid and down way; when sitting down Mr. Jarrett posture is slouched down, hands in pockets, usually looking toward the ground and with very little eye contact. With regard to speech, it is low, speaks slowly with little or no animation or facial expression. Mr. Jarrett dresses appropriately for the weather: jeans, work jacket, and shoes. Overall, his appearance is within a normal, acceptable range.
b. Physical health
According to Mr. Jarrett, he is not currently under a physician’s care. He stated due to his past involvement with the swimming team, that he maintains a descent physical health. He has also admitted that he has had a tough time sleeping due to nightmares.
Development History
Mr. Jarrett’s older brother Buck has always been viewed as superior in the areas as an athlete and student. Mr. Jarrett seems to share this view as he become accustomed to this growing up.
Environmental …show more content…
Mr. Jarrett is dating a young lady who is a member of the high school choir who he refers to as Jeannine. Jeanine is described by Mr. Jarrett as kind and nonjudgmental and seems to be a good support system for him. His relationship with his mother is very rocky and Mr. Jarrett states it is hard for him to connect with her because she doesn’t allow for it. He describes his father as someone who tires to connect with him but Mr. Jarrett is having a tough time letting him.
History of Trauma
Jarrett was present when his older brother Buck, drowned during a sailing accident. He has been having a real tough time dealing with this issue as he can’t sleep and is having nightmares about it on nightly bases. Mr. Jarrett also lost a close friend he met while in the psychiatric hospital, Karen, when she committed suicide
Factors of Diversity (racial, cultural, societal and social class, gender, sexual orientation, differential physical or mental abilities)
Mr. Jarrett is an Anglo male in a predominately town and Anglo school. Mr. Jarrett comes from a well off upper class family. Mr. Jarrett is an assumed to be heterosexual as he is dating a female his age and has not disclosed or made open omissions of being homosexual. A Mr. Jarrett condition is often downed played by his mother saying that he is not depressed but just lazy.
Psychosocial Effects of Oppression
Mr. Jarrett was raised in an upper-class family and has felt pressure to live up to the image. Mr. Jarrett feels that the pressure comes mainly from his mother whom has a nicer vehicle than his father. Also he has stated that his mother goes around as if nothing has happened and presents a front that everything is ok, especially in social settings. She is also always adamant of him cleaning his room and also particular of where silver wear is
Grief Issues
Mr. Jarrett is still having a hard time dealing with his older brother’s death and is not accepting that it isn’t his fault as well as the death of his close friend, Karen.
Parenting Nurturing and Development
Mr. Jarrett stated growing up it was obvious that Buck was the favorite son and that when Buck died his mom has continued to not give him any sense of nurturing. He gives the example of his mother wanting to go on a trip to see family, with his father and her being the only ones going. He feel s his dad cares for home as he at least tries to talk to him while his mother ignores him.
Social Networks
Mr. Jarrett stated since his release form the psychiatric hospital that his friends want to hang out with him but he has distanced himself from them. He chooses to stay away because he stated being around them brings up too much memories of his brother and it is hard for him to handle. Mr. Jarrett states this often causes a conflict for him because they often express to him they see him as cold and unwanted by him and that it is not his fault and they just don’t get him. Mr. Jarrett does occasionally go out to dinner with Jeannine.
Cognitive / Perceptual Functioning
a. Intellectual functioning
Mr. Jarrett is currently in High school and appears to be functioning at acceptable levels. He clearly understands the questions being asked and his responses are appropriate.
b. Judgment
Based on Mr. Jarrett statements, his judgment seems to be adequate. He does seem to be hesitant with answers which maybe due to just meeting myself. He states that things are ok in his life but can’t seem to get images out of his head of his brother dying.
c. Reality testing
Mr. Jarrett is oriented to person, time, and situation; his responses are appropriate.
d. Coherence
Mr. Jarrett does not demonstrate thought disorders. He answers questions succinctly, focusing on the subject at hand.
e. Cognitive flexibility
Mr. Jarrett exhibits moderate receptiveness to new ideas and displays some rigidity when answering questions regarding his family and time in the psychiatric hospital. He views his future as dismal and lonely, stating that he has nothing to live.
f. Misconceptions
Based on Mr. Jarrett’s statements, it appears that he feels that will never be good enough for his mother as she favored and loved Buck more than him.