Source: Published May 19, 2008
Written By Grace Chen
Many children struggle with school. Sometimes these problems are caused by a lack of interest, while other times it may be created by learning challenges that your child faces. If your child is having difficulty in school, this does not mean the child cannot ultimately succeed. There are many ways to help your child overcome academic hurdles. In fact, one of the solutions to overcoming academic problems is to have your child work with a tutor
However, before you hire a private tutor, or sign your child up at the local learning center, you should first confirm whether your child truly needs …show more content…
Learning centers provide several advantages. First of all, they hire the tutors, and thus, they conduct extensive background checks and verify the tutors’ credentials. Another advantage of going to a learning center is that you will have an easier time finding a tutor that has the experience, training and skills needed to handle the challenges of teaching students with learning disabilities – or help your gifted student excel or prepare for college. In short, learning centers have a wide “selection” of tutors available, and you should be able to find one that suits your child’s needs perfectly. While learning centers have their own advantages, they also have their own drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks to using a learning center (as opposed to hiring a private tutor) is that you have to schedule appointments based on their hours of operation. In today’s busy, hyper-scheduled world, actually getting to a learning center by a specific time may be a more daunting task than initially thought. The second obstacle of using a learning center is that you take your child to the location. Unlike the private tutor who comes to you, you have to visit the learning