Critical response to “Bring back conscription” and “Conscription? No way”
In the articles “Bring back conscription” written by Colonel RJ Blythe (2010) and “Conscription? No way!” by Dennis De Souza (2010), the authors present some arguments about the idea of bringing back compulsory military service. Blythe argues that there has been an important decrease on the personal of the Navy and Army, which is worrying in many aspects for society. For that reason, he claims that getting back conscription is really necessary because the country’s security is being put in danger. Also, all young man should consider the benefits that the military service can provide to them, such as, important life experience to build a character and professional skills that can be used within or outside the Army. In contrast, De Souza states that conscription is not really necessary these days, according to him, there are any kinds of threats in sight, thus the country shouldn’t concern about building a big army in case of war. In addition, he argues that all the benefits showed by the Army are overstated, and the advertisement that invite people to join them don’t show the negative consequences that can be presented during the experience. Finally, De Souza claims that military service is not the only way to serve to society; actions such as helping in schools or reforest natural environments can be also a good and even more effective example of national service.
It is clear that both Blythe and De Souza have conflicting opinions about conscription. They present some arguments that may be emotional, because the Army has any sort of impact in their personal life. Blythe’s profession is Colonel, which means that he works for the Army, and has some deep experience that could make him feel attached to this institution. On the other hand, De Souza is the father of two teenage boys and if conscription is approved again, there is a