Review Questions (p. 602):
1. Suggestibility is the belief that the process of reiterating instructions to an individual can induce the way that individual behaves, thinks, or feels. In a group situation, as described in Asch’s experiment findings, suggestibility can control the way an individual thinks when influenced by others.
4. The distinction between consensus and conformity Asch describes is consensus is a general agreement among a group of people while conformity is complying with a general agreement. Asch states that consensus can come under the authority of conformity (p. 602).
Discussion and Writing Questions (p. 602):
1. I agree with Asch’s statement that people’s opinions and attitudes are easily shaped by social pressure. From a psychological viewpoint, social pressure and conformity is a basic human instinct when it comes belonging to a part of a …show more content…
Fear and courage play important roles in individuals’ lives when it comes to obedience and disobedience. According to Asch and Fromm, it is harder for humans to disobey because it requires acts of courage. Also according to these authors, obedience gives humans a sense of safety and helps people identify with power (p. 607). Fear makes people conform and courage requires strength in the face of fear. For example, the citizens of Germany, during WWII, conformed to the Nazi group and obeyed the instructions of an immoral dictator. These people feared the power and the consequences that could come if they did not conform. Those who opposed the Nazis had to sum up a lot of courage and strength to defy the beliefs of the