Conservatism is a political philosophy made to preserve or restore what is established and traditional, also to limit change.
Conservatives believe in traditional American values, personal responsibility, limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and a strong national defense. Also they believe the role of government should be provide people the necessary freedom to pursue their goals. The conservative policies generally emphasize the empowerment of an individual to solve their problems. Liberalism is a political philosophy associated withe free political institutions and religious toleration, also as support for a strong governmental role in regulating capitalism. Liberals believe in the actions of the government to achieve equality for all people. Also believe it is the duty of the government to get rid of all social problems and to protect civil liberties, as well as individual and human rights. In addition, they believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve
problems. Even though Conservatism and Liberalism are very different in their political views and ideologies, they were originally shared some of the same philosophical roots. The obvious similarity the two have between them is that they both believe in hierarchies as an organizing principle of society. Though they do both believe in hierarchies, they disagree on who should be in charge. They agree that there are superiors and inferiors, and they agree that the inferiors should abide by the superiors' power. Also, they both believe in boundless economic growth, which they both see it as the only possible alternative. Conservatism and liberalism roots date back to the 17th century, and extending into the early 20th century. To completely understand American politics, it is important to understand the two main ideologies. Me personally, I agree more with conservatism. I have grown up in a Christian household, which Christian families tend to be conservative, and also my family is Republican. So the main reason I am conservative is because my family has molded me that way. The majority of Americans are either Republican or Democratic, which is basically the same as saying that the majority of Americans are either Conservative or Liberal. The wonderful thing about the United States of America is that us, as Americans, we have the choice on whether we want to be Republican or Democrat, and if we want to be Conservative or Liberal.