Anyone who wishes to be a social worker today I believe would also lean towards a liberal view politically. The fact that we have social welfare programs in existence means that the government is aware …show more content…
Health care is a huge expense in today’s world. The conservative view regarding this issue is that people who can afford to pay for it will have access to it. It is not a shared responsibility that all Americans have nice teeth and remain disease free. The liberal view is that not only is it a tragedy to deny any person healthcare simply because they can’t afford it, it also becomes an eventual and inevitable drain on taxpayer’s dollars anyway. When people don’t receive basic benefits help maintain physical well-being, their health deteriorates and they often end up with more serious medical needs… The radical point of view would move for the government to see to the healthcare needs of all Americans, regardless of any differences in the classes.
The Department of Children and Families plays a very important role in today’s society. Conservative thinking people will argue that it is in the best interest of the child to place them in an environment that is conducive for success. They hold the belief that if the home is determined to have dysfunction it is the government’s moral duty to help that child often by removing him or her from …show more content…
Mental health is a growing area of knowledge today, and the more we learn the more resources we establish. Being that economics is a big deciding factor for the conservative viewpoint, the amount of attention and contribution in this area for them would be an issue. As with other major social welfare benefit programs, the conservative leaning would be towards dealing with the immediate needs of someone with a mental health issue, and less social program implementation in order to save funds. The liberal would be pushing to continue to create more social welfare programs to educate and facilitate funds being allocated to care for those in need based upon not only the immediate needs, but to meet the long term needs of people. The more we learn about mental illness the more we realize how to treat it… therefore it is a constantly evolving area of social welfare. Once again it would be my inclination to expect the radical thinkers to demand government reform in this area to make all assistance available at all times completely unchallenged, at the full expense of the