Writ of Mandamus
Dr. Kaumudhi Challa
(Faculty for Constitution law)
Rahul Sori
Semester - 7
Roll no.-50
12th Oct., 2012
Table of Contents
Thanks to the Almighty God, Who gave me the strength to accomplish the project with sheer hard work and honesty.
May I observe the protocol to show my deep gratitude to the venerated Faculty-in-charge Dr. Kaumudhi challa for his kind gesture in allotting me a wonderful and elucidating research topic. His sincere and honest approach have always inspired me and pulled me back on track whenever I went off track.
I must express my gratitude to my seniors, who never refrained from guiding me whenever it was required.
Last, but by no means the least, I would like to thank all the members of HNLU family in general and my blooming and charismatic friends in particular for their wholehearted co-operation throughout the odyssey.
Rahul Sori
(B.A-LL.B, Semester:-7, Roll no:-50)
I am Rahul Sori; Roll Number-50, Batch- 9, student of Semester- VIIth of B.A.LL.B.(Hons.), Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) has undergone research of the project work titled “Writ of Mandamus”, as a student of Judicial Review, hereby declare that- this Research Project has been prepared by the student for academic purpose only, and is the outcome of the investigation done by me and also prepared by myself under the supervision of Dr. Kaumaudhi Challa, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur. The views expressed in the report are personal to the student and do not reflect the views of any authority or any other person, and do not bind the statute in any manner.
I also declare that this Research Paper or any part, thereof has not been or is not being submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or Diploma. This report is
Bibliography: Books: Sylvia Snowiss, ‘Judicial Review and the Law of the Constitution’, Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd., Delhi, 1996. Chakradhar Jha, ‘Judicial Review of Legislative Acts’, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1974. P. Sarojini Reddy, ‘Judicial Review of Fundamental Rights’, National Publishing House, New Delhi, 1976. Articles: Edward S. Corwin, “The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law” 42 Harvard Law Review, 1928. Feldman, Noah (2004), "The Voidness of Repugnant Statutes: Another Look at the Meaning of Marbury", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 148 (1). ISSN 0003-049X.