• K. Ramanathan: prinsip-prinsip asas yang mengasaskan sesebuah negara, memastikan bagaimanakah sesuatu keputusan kerajaan itu akan dibuat, bagaimana kuasa akan diagih-agihkan antara institusi-institusi kerajaan, menetapkan satu kewibawaan ideal sesebuah negara itu dan memperkenalkan satu sistem pemerintahan seperti termaktub sama ada dalam undangundang, adat mahupun Majlis Piagam Perjanjian”.
Malaysian Constitution consists of 3 list • a. Federal List • b. State List • c. Federal and State List
M ai n p r o vi s i o n i n t h e con st i t u t i o n L an g u ag e R el i g i o n ci t i z en sh i p sp eci a l p r i v i l e d g es p er s on al l i b er t i e s
Malay Language
• In the Malaysian Constitution the provision for the Malay Language as the national language is recorded under Article 152, Section XII which underlines that: 2. The national language decided upon is the Malay Language. 3. Nobody will be prohibited or hindered from using, teaching or learning another language. 4. The government has the right to maintain the use and learning of the language of any other community in the Federation.
The Special Position of the Malays
• The Malaysian Constitution has a special provision under Article 153 that protects the special rights of the Malays and the Bumiputras of Sabah and Sarawak.The provision involves the special reservation for Malays and Bumiputras of quotas for; 2. Scholarships 3. Posts in the public service 4. Business and 5. Industrial licenses
• Religion is provided for in Part 1, Chapter 3 of the Malaysian Constitution. The Constitution clarifies that; 2. Islam is the official religion of the federation, but other religions are allowed to be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.(Article 1) 3. In states that have a ruler or sultan as head of state, the sultan or ruler is the head of Islam in the state concerned (Article 2). 4. For states without a sultan or ruler
References: • • Hasnah Hussiin, Mardiana Nordin (ed), Pengajian Malaysia, Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, 2000. Tun Mohamed Suffian Bin Hashim, Mengenal Perlembagaan Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1987. Perlembagaan Malaysia.