For example, all the codes consent that the means of egress cover exit, exit accesses and exit discharges. However, the required width of exits, allowable length of corridors, and hourly fire-resistance rating of the components and similar requirements may differ between codes (Sharon, 2008). Life safety code(LSC), International Fire code(IFC), ICC Performance Code(ICCPC) and Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) have chapters dedicated to means of
For example, all the codes consent that the means of egress cover exit, exit accesses and exit discharges. However, the required width of exits, allowable length of corridors, and hourly fire-resistance rating of the components and similar requirements may differ between codes (Sharon, 2008). Life safety code(LSC), International Fire code(IFC), ICC Performance Code(ICCPC) and Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) have chapters dedicated to means of