The above philosophy has played an important role in the shaping of myobjectives and framing of my plans for the future.
My parents always believed in the same and has most certainlyhelped me through out to shape my career. They spoke of being circumspect about every life decision: the absolute necessity of planning keeping in view various external factors, forecasting your business’s future environment and the anticipating of and preparing for contingencies. Most of all it is the desire to succeed which acts as the incentive that impels one at times of complications. It all seemed too futile at first but as I grew up, I realized that they had in fact, learnt from their mistakes and these …show more content…
I have always followed upon their noteworthy accomplishments right from the stage when they were striving to get into college, my mother works as Head of the department of oncology where she proudly enjoys thirty years and continuing success in providing service to the governament sector and my father works in software department in private company as project head. This hard working nature and the success that my parents have achieved have been the prime reasons that have driven me to succeed in life. I seem to have inherited most of the inspirational qualities of my parents and it was a collaborated decision that I pursue my masters in Construction Management as it suited me the best. As Construction Management encompasses a wide range of fields varying from the management to the technical, I expect that this program will help me add management skills and knowledge to my technical undergraduate …show more content…
I willfully set out to immerse myself in every facet of life because I believe inbook knowledge from school and college aided by practical experiences from the outside world. Logic always compelled me in life. I was always bent on experiencing and knowing something that wasn’t known to everybody. This attribute was of great value during my four years of study of Civil Engineering at one of the state’s finest institute. Practical application of theory is essential to build on and I achieved it to an adequate extent through my final year project based on ‘Design and analysis of superstructure by using flat slabs’. Working as a team and implementation of beams and columns by using STAADpro helped me understand the theory better. However in the engineering book knowledge has to be supplemented by fieldwork, skills that were necessary for low-level management. Internship was on the cards and ended up as my next