We have taken this tool Constructive thinking inventory (CTI) from the book “Constructive Thinking The key to emotional intelligence by Seymour Epstein“
As mentioned by the book author Epstein, this tool (CTI) is a reliable and valid measure of the constructive and deconstructive thinking in which people normally engage in. In addition the author Epstein claims that “this tool has been administered to large samples of people and constructed according to recognized psychological principles of test construction”
Constructive thinking inventory (CTI):
The items were grouped into 6 main categories.These are
1) Emotional coping
2) Behavioural coping
3) Categorical Thinking
4) Esoteric Thinking
5) Personal superstitious thinking
6) Naïve optimism
CTI provides a global scale and six main scales for the categories mentioned above.
Answer each item by entering a number from 1 to 5 in the space to the left of the item, according to the following scale:
1 = completely false
2 = mainly false
3 = neither true nor false or undecided
4 = mainly true
5 = completely true
Do not try to give the “correct” answer. Instead, give the answer that best describes how you typically react. The purpose of this test is to find out how you typically think, not whether you know how you “should” think.
1. ___I don’t worry about things I can do nothing about.
2. ___I am the kind of person who takes action rather than just thinks or complains about the situation.
3. ___I feel that if people treat you badly, you should treat them in kind.
4. ___I have found that talking about success that I am looking forward to can keep them from happening.
5. ___If I do very well on an important test, I feel like a total success and that I will go very far in life.
6. ___I believe in astrology.
7. ___I don’t let little things bother me.
8. ___If I have an unpleasant chore to do, I try to make the best of it by thinking in positive terms.