2. Is it your habbit to check the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of an item before buying it?
3. Have you ever weighted any article carrying a Net Weight tag to verify it's authenticity?
4. Do you tend to cross check prices of the same product from different vendors before buying?
5. How important are the following characteristics in your shopping choices? (Please tick the best suited answer for each option): Very Quite Not very Not at all Cannot Important Important Important Important Say
a. Brand Name
b. Special Sales Offer
c. Attractive Appearance
d. Indigenous Production
e. Eco-Friendliness
6. Do you consider your effect on the environment as a consumer before purchasing general day to day products?
7. Do you regularly recycle product packaging?
8. Are you inclined on buying products which are designed with environmental issues in mind?
9. If not, please specify why?
a. Reduced performance
b. Products appearance
c. Too expensive
d. Aren’t aware of any such products
e. Other (please write):
10. From where do you get information regarding product recommendations? Which source of information is trustworthy to you? (Please circle all sources you have used and then put a tick next to 3 sources that you follow the most)
a. Shopkeepers
b. Friends/Acquaintances
c. Family members
d. Internet sites
e. TV
f. Radio
g. Public lectures
h. Educative organizations
i. Newspapers/magazines
k. Advertisements/posters/pamphlets
n. Books
o. Other (please write):
11. Are you aware of the laws and the consumer courts formed specifically to safeguard the interest of customers?
12. Have you ever come across any product duplication?
13. If yes did you take measures for redressing your grievance? Specify.
14. Do you think the government should be more proactive in adulteration/duplication issues?
15. Do