Breathe Right nasal strips account for the majority of CNS’s sales. Furthermore, since their products are medical it has been FDA regulated. This shows that the company’s product was clinically proven prior to releasing it to the market, which makes the product even more effective. The nasal strips are the only clinically proven FDA treatment for snore relief due to nasal congestion. The nasal strips were initially marketed to sports teams, nasal sufferers and night-time snorers. The Breathe Right Strips are one of the many products available for consumers to prevent snoring. The industry for anti-snoring products is fairly large. There are snoring pills, mouthpieces, medical treatments, surgery, vaporizers, nasal sprays, nasal dilators, and oral strips. CNS has developed a strong brand equity that has separated itself from regular anti-snoring products because it enables the consumer to use the strips easily without the use of drugs and medication. It is affordable and hassle-free compared to nasal dilators and mouthpieces.
2. As a BRAND, how powerful is CNS's brand image?
The company used celebrity endorsements such as famous sports people and artists for successful product advertising, stating claims on how it stops snoring. This leads to their products being very powerful as it is so famous that it is marketed around the world. Its products are available in different countries, in different packaging and in many languages. It has become a top brand at retailers for consumers who are looking for relief from nasal congestion. Breathe Right stripes being FDA clinically approve to relieve snoring due to nasal congestion only adds to the brand’s creditability and image. 3. Describe how the cultural factors would influence CNS's marketing approach toward