Consumer Behavior Exercise
A mundane product costing less than Rs.100.
Product Category: Shampoo (New to the consumer)
Brand Chosen: Clinic All Clear (HUL) (New to the consumer)
Who was the decision making unit?
• Who bought the product or service?
The product was bought by the consumer itself for personal use.
• Identify all those who played a role in the decision process. What role did they play?
Purchasing the product was a personal decision as it was bought for personal use. However awareness of the product was gained through TV commercials. The commercials created a remembrance effect and helped in recognizing the product instantly. Reviews from friends who had used the products were also considered.
What motivated the purchase?
• What problems did the product/service solve? What functions would it facilitate?
The product was meant to solve dandruff and hair fall problems that had recently arisen.
• What attributes seemed important?
Price, quick solution to the problem and brand value were important attributes that were considered.
Characterize the decision.
• Was it a first-time decision? A review of a previous decision? A careful decision? A casual decision? Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?
The decision was a first-time, casual decision. There was not much time spent in deliberation, apart from talking to friends about it over a casual conversation, as there were only 2 products being considered and the amount spent was not very significant.
Characterize the decision-making process.
• What triggered the process?
Solution for the sudden problem of dandruff and hair fall and need for personal hygiene triggered the process and the need for this product.
• Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was information gathered?
Not really. There was not much