Negativity Effect- Humans strive more on the negative than the positive. It’s more likely you remember negative information and is more easily recalled, because we have expectations that the product or person should work a certain way. However, negatives are shared more, because of a violation of expectations. Negative information is more diagnostic * Use negativity to advantage such as a competitor’s product * Reinforce positive attitudes by detaching yourself to negative stigmas and emphasizing other negatives of companies (eg. We don’t use child labor)
Aggression- Can lead to violent behavior if there isn’t some “cool-off” period
Frustration Hypothesis- More likely to act violent
Excitation- If arousal is high, it is more likely to carry over into other situations. Our ability to process rationally is diminished. Not everyone reacts the same to aggressive stimuli. * People exhibit things differently
Perception-How your attitude changes depending on prior knowledge or cues that alters your perception. This is important because context plays major role.
Long Term Memory- It’s important for a brand to have fast spreading information for positive attributes. This simultaneous pairing leads to quick consumer responses. There is an evoked set of negatives and considerations. The considerations do not have those negatively valence items
Five Step Model- Problem, search, evaluate, external search,
Habitually Inert- Buy things, because that’s what you always buy, not because of some specific brand loyalty
Myth Perception- People have external factors that influence their decisions
Thresholds- Cumulative effect of a sustained advertising campaign that brings about customer recognition of a brand or product in the form of a significant jump in sales revenue. The expenditure level at which this effect occurs is then used as a benchmark for setting future advertising budgets.
Sensory- appealing to the