Question: Consumers have rational motives and emotional motives when making purchasing decisions. Explain using examples and marketing knowledge, how consumers prioritize there consumption behavior of goods and services & any relevant manifest and latent motives behind such purchasing.
Dhananji P. Jayasinghe
MKT 3050
Consumers always make their purchasing decisions based on their motives. When discussing this question, it can be divided into different sections. Such as what is consumer behavior and purchasing decision, what is motivation and motivation process, what are rational motives and emotional motives, how rational motives and emotional motives involves when making a purchase decision, how consumers prioritize there consumption behavior of goods and services & any relevant manifest and latent motives behind such purchasing and how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs takes effect in making purchase decisions based on the motivations. Throughout this paper there will be definitions, explanations and the questions will be answered regarding how the motivation affects the consumer behavior.
Based on the studies, “Consumer behavior reflects the totality of consumers decisions with respect to the acquisition, consumption and dispositions of goods, services, activities and ideas by (human) decision making units (over time).” (Hoyer & Maclnnis, 2007) Purchasing decision of a consumer are based on some of the several factors such as what, why, how, when and where they will consume the goods or services. When making these decisions, motivation and its motives always plays a massive role before making the final purchase decision. “Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action. It is defined as the stimulation of any emotion or desire operating upon one’s will and prompting or driving it to action. The study of Motivation refers to all the processes that initiate the drive in a person
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