ASSESSOR(S): Katrin Horn
CONTENTS 1. Question2 Part (a) 2.1 Introduction 2.2 General Issues about Consumer Culture/ and General Issues 2.3 Critical Analysis
2. Question 2 Part (b) 3.4 Current Examples of Advertising that attempts to influence consumer attitude
3. Conclusion 4.5 Recommendation and Conclusion Part (a) 4.6 Recommendation and Conclusion Part (b)
4. Appendix 5.7 Samsung 5.8 Fortune oil 5.9 The Economic Times
5. Reference
1. Question2 (a) Critically discuss and analyse the phenomenon of compulsive shopping, with a particular focus on the rise of consumerism and the role marketing plays
1.1 Introduction
What is compulsive shopping?
An Addictive and compulsive buying is all about the physiological and/or psychological dependency on purchasing product or services. It is an addictive experience as an act of shopping. It occurs because of post modernity and consumer culture, shopping as the source for identity and securing one’s place in society.
(Helga Dittmar, n.d.)
Almost 5.8% of people are compulsive shoppers (5.5% are men, 6.0 are women). Rise of internet shopping and obvious consequences leads to compulsion. Today the diagnostic manual DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), Compulsive buying is still the part of residual category.
“Disorders of impulse Control Not Otherwise specified”, broadly it occurs in three core features of compulsive buying: * The urge to buy is experienced as irresistible * Individuals lose control over their buying behaviour, they continue with excessive buying despite adverse consequences in their social, personal or occupational lives * Financial debt
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