Table of Content:
1. Summary
2. Research
3. Target DMP 3.1 Situation & influences 3.2 Information Search 3.3 Evaluation & Post-purchase
4. Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour 4.1 Store image & Service scape 4.2. Values & Behaviour 4.3 Values impact on choice & decision-making
4.4. Social class & lifestyle
4.5. Self-image & Culture
5. Conclusion
6. Recommendations
1.Brief Summary:
Vertu is a subsidiary to Nokia and its most profitable unit (Sanderson, 2006). Vertu is taking a unique approach to that of the technology-obsessed mobile-telephone industry. Its concept is based on craftsmanship (i.e. uniquely customized handsets), style and service- in the same vein as luxury watch and jewellery manufacturers. Vertu Signature mobile phone is encased in metals from stainless steel to platinum and decorated with sapphires (vertu.com). The design reflects poise and stature. Hence, Vertu performs highly on the symbolic (i.e. expressive) level and giving the perception of being more a piece of art, rather than just a high technological (i.e. instrumental) mobile phone (Sanderson, 2002). Added values such as 24 hrs concierge service which can organise restaurant, travel and hotel bookings are included in the purchase. Its flagship store opened in Paris 2002, and now exists in over 70 countries worldwide. It also has a well-developed online boutique (vertu.com). Prices range from € 5,555 to € 270,000, hence the most expensive mobile phone brand in the market (Sanderson, 2006). This paper highlights Vertu’s target profile by explore some situational influences, their decision making process, and values. In addition, external influencing factors such as social class and lifestyle are investigated. A study was also conducted, where subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire about their opinions and values. The result
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