The product is focusing on its core areas:the service or benefit the customer is really buying.The consumers are buying it for yummy taste and instant use.And the noodle firmly go even with this point.Despite its several cons features,it suffers from criticisms.In terms of demand chain planningwhich refers to “focusing first on the target market and designing supply chain from that point”2,it has received green signals but at the same time,it has drawn attentions from environment activists.It has problems in packaging model.Well-designed packages can build brand equity and drive sales.For a good design,it uses platics which are bio-degradable.In protecting consumeralism,it has received red signals.But as there are many channel members involved,channel conflict is always there.”Channel conflict is generated when one member’s actions prevent another channel from achieving its goal”3 Despite these shortcomings,the positive aspects can never be underestimated.Every company operates in a society.It cannot work in isolation.In this regard,it has corporate social responsibilities toward community and society.Realizing this very fact, It has set a campaign of educating all Nepalese toddlers.It has provided scholarship benefits for poor children.Also,the promotion mix strategy and market segmentation is more
References: [1]. Kotler, P, & Keller, k, Marketing Management (13th ed., fifth impression, p.406). (2011), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [2]. Kotler, P, & Keller, k, Marketing Management (13th ed., fifth impression, p.402). (2011), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [3]. Kotler, P, & Keller, k, Marketing Management (13th ed., fifth impression, p.422). (2011), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [4]. Kotler, P, & Keller, k, Marketing Management (13th ed., fifth impression, p.401). (2011), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [5]. Kotler, P, & Keller, k, Marketing Management (13th ed., fifth impression, p.406). (2011), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.