A Project report
consumer buying behavior (cbb)
of t.v. sets
Session 2009-11
Submitted by: Group # 03
section a
PGDM (General) sem- 1
Submitted to: Ms Shivani Bali
Quantitative Methods
for Management.
Contents Page No.
1. Title Page 1
2. Student’s Undertaking 3
3. Acknowledgement 4
4. Executive Summary 5
5. Introduction to the problem 6
6. Rationale and Scope of Study 7
7. Objective of Study 8
8. Research Methodology 9
9. Company Profile 10-11
10. Annexure 12-13 - Questionnaire
Student’s Undertaking
We hereby declare that the synopsis entitled “CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR TELEVISIONS SETS” submitted for the degree of Master of Business Administration, is our original work and the project report has not formed the basis for the award of any diploma, degree, associate ship, fellowship or similar other titles. It has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma.
Place: LBSIM Delhi Group-3
Date: 30TH July 2009 PGDM Trimester 1
The research on “CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR TELEVISION SETS” has been given to us as part of the curriculum in 2-Years Masters Degree in Business Administration. We have tried our best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that we hope will be comprehended by the widest spectrum of researchers, analysts and students for further studies.