We express our sincere thanks to Mrs. Manisha Bachheti, our Project guide to have given us the opportunity to work on such a challenging project. We also would like to thank the respondents’ help, without which it would not have been possible to accomplish the project successfully. Their timely feedback has facilitated in bringing the project in the present form.
We are also thankful to all the people who have helped me in collecting the necessary information and making of the report. We are grateful to all of them for their time and wisdom.
Scope Of Project
This project gave us great exposure to understand the customer’s consciousness about their health and change in their eating habits influenced by a shift in their life style. Also we could develop an understanding of consumer buying behavior for Dabur REAL ACTIV. This project helped us in knowing the market practically.
Our Job
1. Drafting questionnaire for the better understanding to customers’ buying behavior for real activ.
2. Collection of data on awareness about real active.
3. Collection of data on health consciousness of consumers.
4. Finding out the problems that affect the sales of real active.
1. Introduction ………………………………………….11
2. Objectives of the Study………………….…………...14
3. Problem Definition…………………………..……………15
4. Methedology……………………………………………16
5. Hypothesis………………………………………23
6. Results………………………………….……….……30 7. Conclusions: ……………………………..………….37
8. Limitations………………………………………..…. .38
9. Bibliography …………………………………………39