Due to various social factors and previous experiences, my basic need for hunger in this particular instance had translated to a financially-backed want (demand) for junk food (Arndt, 2012). Driving past a McDonald’s sign, the golden arches triggered a memory recall of the brand and its ability to satisfy my wants (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2010). I was further motivated by McDonald’s recent promotion of its new chicken burger range. Because I had decided that I wanted junk food, healthy food options and restaurants were placed in my inert set, and smaller, less popular niche outlets like red rooster were placed in my inept set (LeBlanc & Neil C. Herndon, 2002). Big fast food outlets like McDonalds and Hungry Jacks comprised my consideration set. Due to previous experiences and memory associations, I considered McDonald’s to be the category prototype for fast food, and therefore it exceeded other competitors. As I considered taste to be the most important factor in my purchase, the lexicographic choice tactic can be used to explain my decision to go with the McGrilled burger meal (Hauser, 2010). Also, my adequate financial position provided the ability to make my purchase and the location of a McDonald’s outlet nearby my house and no time constraints provided a satisfactory opportunity to make my purchase.
2. Nike Tiempo Legend Soccer Boots.
All my soccer boots were starting to get too small for me. I was motivated to purchase some new boots that suited me and also fitted properly (difference between my ideal and actual state) (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2010). Because of the vast number of different brands of soccer boots, and the amount of use the boots will get, this decision was considered a high-effort purchase for me. In considering which store to purchase from, I chose Sportsmart in Moorabbin because a friend of mine works there and was able to give me a discount. Because of the specifics of each
Bibliography: Arndt, J. (2012). How broad should the marketing concept be? Journal of marketing vol.42, 101-103. Hauser, J. R. (2010). Consideration set heuristics. Massachusetts: MIT Sloan School of Management. Hoyer, W. D., & Macinnis, D. J. (2010). Consumer Behaviour 5th Edition. LeBlanc, R. P., & Neil C. Herndon, J. (2002). A multivariate analysis of evoked sets as a marketing universal. Journal of applied business research vol.18 no.3.