CK is the information stored in memory that is relevant to the purchase, consumption and disposal of goods and services.
- Brand Associations: Linkages in memory between the brand and other concepts, these linkages (what consumers know) are known as Beliefs/Perceptions
BA include beliefs about brand’s attributes and its consumption benefits
Ex. Of consumer responses are: want to buy brand extensions, recommend brand and pay a higher price for the brand
Ex. Of BA: perceptions about brand’s quality and perceptions of brand as a social status.
Positive brand associations (+brand quality)
A brand status assoc. only helps the likelihood of buying brand extensions
1) Product knowledge: information in consumer’s memory about products (knowledge of product category and knowledge about brands in this category)
a- Product Category Knowledge: Prereq starting point for developing demand in marketplace. What cons know about a general product category.
b- Brand Knowledge: Specific brand within product category. Most imp aspect, whether consumers are aware of brands existence. Before product enters consideration set it needs to enter awareness set. In 2004 americans were most aware of Coca Cola and least of Progresso soups. Amazon, partnership; “if its on amazon it must be good” J&R
Top of the Mind Awareness: brand that is remembered or thought of first. Recall from memory.
Name recognition: Identify familiar names from a list. *Recognition-based estimates have a higher level of awareness.
Each brand in the awareness set has a set of associations, which may include product attributed and benefits, also product slogans, product endorsers, sponsorships, advertising campaigns, logos,etc.
Brand Image: Entire array of associations activated from memory when consumers think about the brand.
*Image Analysis: Examining the current set of brand associations that exist in the