Consumer’s rights are the proper benefits that protected by the law, which the consumers automatically obtain when they purchase a product. For instance, when a consumer buys a product they have the rights to have a satisfactory quality of its product and the fit function for the purpose as described on the packaging, the advertising of the product and also as described by the sales person. Therefore, if the consumer doesn’t obtain the right quality that the advertising mentioned, they have the rights to refund the product or get the product repaired or replacement.
In Indonesia, there are several laws protecting the consumer rights but in the reality, there are still many violations of consumer rights. The advertisement of mobile providers in Indonesia is actually one of the examples for the violations of consumer rights. According to Pasal 4 Undang Undang No 8 tahun 1999, there are at least four basic violations of consumer rights causing by that marketing practices.
The first one is the consumer have the rights to get a guaranteed comfort and safety of consuming the service operator. As a matter of fact many mobile users experiencing a limited network quality service or even blocked by the providers company without prior notice.
Secondly, consumers have the rights to obtain service and information that is correct, clear and honest about the condition and the guaranteed that the product offered. To the contrary, there is a huge of mobile users complaints that they receiving and also being charge for a push message that they don’t even subscribe to. To make it worse, they don’t know how to unsubscribe it.
Thirdly, the consumers have the rights on correct information, clear and honest about the condition and services that the company or product offered. The example of violations to this case is many unhappy mobile users complaints about the promotional rate that the provider offers to them that don’t come