Triple Entente- o An alliance with Britain, France and Russia… o It later included Serbia, Japan, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Greece and eventually the U.S. This was an alliance formed in WWI o Because fought other ones and this alliance pulled other people into the war • Central Powers- o Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. o Germany went to war b/c Russia went to war b/c Russia was backing the Serbs • Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand- o 1863-1914 the heir to the Habsburg throne… o He advocated conciliatory policy toward the Slavic minorities in the empire. o He symbolized the Serbs a continuation of Austro-Hungarian domination. o The group behind the assassination, the Black Hand, was Bosnian-Serbs who wanted to end Austrian rule. ▪ The government in Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Serbia… They suspected their leaders of aiding the assassination… ▪ This pulled other nations like Germany into the war. Britain France and Russia entered the war against Germany… • Black Hand- o The group that assassinated the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand. o Has Russia as an ally and this pulls them into the war and Germany goes to war to fight against o Bosnian Serbs that wanted to end Austrian rule o This led Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia because they believed that Serbian leaders were behind the assassination. ▪ This pulled other countries into the war. 1914 • Battle of Verdun- o February 1916. o Symbolizes the senseless slaughter of the war on the Western front. ▪ Germans launched a surprise offensive firing up to a million shells a day at the French positions. The French stopped the German assault but it claimed nearly a million French and German casualties. ▪ More soldiers may have been killed per a square yard than in any other battler in history. It had little impact on the war itself. • Paris Peace Conference- o 1919 held in the former royal palace in Paris. o Reshaped Europe and resulted in the Treaty of Versailles. o Woodrow Wilson went hoping to use his prestige and nation’s growing power to sell his Fourteen points. o Wilson proposes conciliatory agreement of Germany. He had to compromise with the French who wanted to divide Germany. o The final treaty forced Germany to pay huge annual payments know as reparations to the Allies to compensate for war costs. Basically this left Germany bankrupt. • Woodrow Wilson- o U.S. President who went to Paris Peace conference in 1919 and proposed his Fourteen Points. o Unable to persuade Congress into letting US join League of Nations o President of the United States • Fourteen Points- o Wilson’s agenda proposed at Paris Peace conference in 1919 o In speech given o • Russian Revolution of 1917- o Overthrew the czarist government and took Russia out of the war in early 1918 o Russian people sick of war and seeking change sparking two revolutions. o Important because it was one of the three greatest upheavals in modern world history ▪ It charted a non capitalist path to industrialization o March 1917 a spontaneous revolution overthrows the czar, but it’s urban liberal leaders could not satisfy the people’s demand for reform and an end to the war, so radical soviets, allied with Bolsheviks organized and in October seized power, after which they removed Russia from war o Two Revolutions… ▪ March topples the czar, imprisons the imperial family and sets up a provisional gov’t. • Erupted while riots and strikes caused by food shortages were paralyzing cities • Women demand relief and food in St. Petersburg • New provisional gov’t leaders like Aleksandr Kerensky wanted reform and W style dem, but had not roots among mass population o Failed b/c did not provide peace or land o More disorganization with soviets ▪ October Bolsheviks and other members stage an uprising and grab power from Kerensky…aided by soviets seize key gov’t buildings • Allow for parties to freely to contests elections for assembly… • Led to Bolsheviks ceasing power • Bolsheviks rename themselves the communist party • League of Nations- o Proposed by Wilson in 1919 o First organization of independent nations to work for peace and humanitarian concerns o Flaws=not all major states, had no power of it’s own rather it only had member power o Wilson could not persuade the US congress to approve US membership o Designed to establish a assembly and a council ▪ The council would be the major states and would have most of the power since they were involved in the war ▪ The assembly would have universal membership • Idea that lasting peace needs everyone participating • Mostly Europe and Latin America o Not terribly successful had fatal flaws o Important because was the blueprint for the establishment of the UN o International organizations created under the treaty of Versailles • Bolsheviks- o Most radical of Russia’s anti-government groups at turn of 20th cent ▪ Embraced dogmatic form of Marxism o Started as one faction of broader socialist movement than split into several rival parties in 1903 o Most had spent time in Siberian labor camps o Founder and leader=Vladmir Lenin o Inspired by Marxist vision of revolution… claimed a equitable distribution of wealth in society o Seize power later through revolution o Favored a small disciplined organization that would work for workers’ interest but include only full time revolutionaries. ▪ Party line o In October 1917 seized winter palace and took power from kerensky. ▪ Allowed for free election that met in 1918 • After ppl refuse to give them power they use troops to take over the nat’ and city governments… pushing other parties aside and terrorizing or executing opponents o Enemies=prodemocracy socialists o Later rename themselves the communist party… first moves gained popular support by pulling them out of the war ▪ Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ▪ Move capital from st. petersberg to Moscow ▪ Forges world’s first state based on commuist ideas • Vladmir Lenin- o Leader and founder of Bolsheviks o 1870-1924 o mission in life changed after reading marx o further radicalized when gov’t executed his older brother for joined assassination plot against czar o 1907 exiles elsewhere in Europe to avoid trouble and organize his movement… o advocated organizing a professional core of activists to lead a revolution o Was helped by Germans to go back to Russia in 1917 and when he got there he built up Bolshevik influence in the soviets ▪ After Bolsheviks cease power… he claims his goal is to transfer power from capitalists to working class o Used Marxism-leninism, new economic policy and Leninism o Dissatisfied with results of revolution • March Revolution- o 1917…sick of war and seeking change… o it was unplanned and erupted in riots and strikes caused by food shortages and other problems that were paralyzing cities. o Working women had begun the protests by swarming the streets of St. Petersburg demanding relief and food, soon after soldiers began to join them. o Aleksandr Kerensky (new provisional government leader) wanted reform and western style dem ▪ Failed b/c refused to provide peace and land (two things Russians want most) and would not be able to until after war…needed time ▪ But while asking for time, radicals organize soviets… o Soviets fight for control in St. Petersburg… Germans help Lenin to return to Russia… Lenin rapidly built up Bolshevik influence in soviets • October Revolution- o Bolsheviks and 240000 party members staged an uprising and grab power from Kerensky’s provisional government o Seized key gov’t buildings in St. Petersburg including the winter palace o Allow for parties to freely to contests elections for assembly… o Led to Bolsheviks ceasing power • Soviets- o local action councils formed by Russian radicals before the 1917 Russian Revolution that enlisted workers and soldiers to fight the factory owners and military officers. o Represent grassroots movement for change that undermined government authority o Strongest=in capital of St. Petersburg had between 2000-3000 members and headed by executive committee ▪ Fought in March revolution • Russian Civil War- o 1918-1921 sparked by the Russian revolution. o Conservative, anti-communist forces who called themselves white Russian o the red army included the czarist aristocracy generals who were mad b/c they lost their dominance… heavily funded and armed by the W nations that were alarmed by the revolution, o the whit Russians fought communist forces in fringe areas of the Russian Empire…The red army began to win b/c of their brilliant military strategies and their cohesion. o When outside intervention came, from Japan, Britain France and the U.S. (b/c they were afraid of communism) it proved disastrous. o Western intervention helped to solidify the communist government o It was seen the Russians fighting a nationalist war against foreign powers seeking to restore the old discredited czarist order. o Leaves country devastated and ppl starving o Reinforces paranoid authoritarian and militaristic attitudes of communists • White Russians- o The conservative anti-communist forces who fought in the Russian Civil War o Aided by Japan, Britain, France and the U.S. • Red Army o The Lenin’s army…general that were mad at losing dominant and a few pro-western liberals that favored democracy o Won the Russian Civil war o Communist army.
• Joseph Stalin-1979-53 o Dictatorship tendencies o Stalinism-state ownership of all property o 1928 ends Lenin’s NEP and enforces five year plan o Massive crash industrialization o Came to power when peasants turn away from communist party b/c no longer fear return of landlords o Withdraws country from global political and economic system o Strengthened party’s grip or rural sector o Collectivized the land and turned private farms into commonly owned enterprises ▪ Peasants who refused were exiled to Siberia o Rule marked with purges, campaigns to eliminate opponents, forced labor camps, widespread use of secret police o Great purge- well publicized trials of some party leaders as traitors o Peasants rebel with passive resistance… agriculture struggles o Makes divorce difficult, bans abortion and promotes strict sexual code, persecutes homosexuals o Moderated official atheism and pragmatically reached some accommodation with Russian Orthodox church ending overt persecution, but keeping it weak and subject to state control o Also promotes socialist realism • Five-Year Plans- o 1928 o based on annual series of plans for future production o produces basic industrial goods such as steel coal, but few consumer goods o Massive crash industrialization program o Withdrew country with global political and economic system o Strengthens party grip or rural sector by collectivizing land and turns private farms into commonly owned enterprises o State=main agent for change o Successfully mobilized the population for industrialization o Life expectancy increases, production increases, economic power and GNP increases o Implemented by the state o State rather than private capital=main agent for change • Gulags o Russian shorthand for state camp administration o Used under Stalins rule o He deported millions to harsh-forcd labor camps o Some 4-5 million were arrested and half a million were executed for alleged subversion o From 1929-53 some 18 million people passed through the system and about 4.5 million never returned home o Toiled, starved and died building railroads, butting timber or digging canals o No one was spared • Great Depression- o 1930’s collapse of world economy that lasted in varying degrees of severity o 1929 the New York stock market crashes causing Americans to loose jobs o Affects everyone globally b/c economy is very interdependent o Leads to New Deal and WWII o Causes=bad recession in late 1920’s, turned into deep worldwide depression by early 1930’s ▪ Interlocking foreign debts made 1920’s prosperity fragile ▪ England and France owns war loans to US banks, German gov’t owed war reparations to Brits/French ▪ Germans resent reparations and stall payments ▪ US banks kept loaning money on basis of debts owed to them by Brits/French ▪ Businesses and US consumers buying to much credit ▪ Britain was the same as the US ▪ France was not as bad but the government did not do anything ▪ Germany had the government do nothing until Hitler • Red Scare o Widespread public fear of communism o 1919-20 o generated the first in a series of gov’t crackdowns on dissidents o froze attitudes toward soviet union and communist movements o u.s. purses long term policy of isolating from USSR o Prompted patyl by growing domestic unrest • Great Migration o Three to Four million people (mostly farmers) head to West Coast especially California after selling or losing their land o Response to the Dustbowl… where disappearing topsoil and severe drought threw agriculture out of balance o So many of experiences of “okies” (b/c came from Oklahoma) were chronicled in novels • New Deal o Introduced by FDR o A new government policy of liberal reform within a democratic framework to alleviate the suffering caused by the great depression ▪ Proposes that nation should guarentee “four freedoms” • Speech, worship, freedom from want and fear ▪ Regulations on banks and stock exchanges, to prevent future depression, public welfare programs, social security o First time in U.S. history that fed gov’t took responsibility for providing pensions and other supportive help to citizens o Alters U.S….. did not end depression ▪ But made government popular and modified pain enough that radicalism begins to decrease ▪ Probably saved U.S. capitalism • John Maynard Keynes o 1883-1946 o ideas used by FDR when recovery falters o British economist who advocated deficit spending by gov’ts to spur economic growth ▪ Policy called Keynesisan economics • Fascism o Ideology that typically involved extreme nationalism, hatred of ethnic minorities, ruthless repression of opposition groups, violent anti-communism and authoritarian government o Great depression helped spread o First emerges in Italy in 1921 after WWI ▪ Response to inadequacies, corruption and instability of democratic politics as well as to the economic problems caused by WWI. • Benito Mussolini o 1883-1945 o founder of Italian fascist movement which advocated national unity and strong gov’t o soon forges new Italy o has talent for arousing mass enthusiasm ▪ promised vigourous and discipline italy ▪ attracts war veterans and accuses socialists o uses fasces (bundle of sticks wrapped around an ax handle and blade to symbolize unity and power wanted to bring) o landowners and industrialist fund movement b/c it battered labor and peasant organization o wins support of Italian king, catholic church and lower middle class o 1922 king asks to form a new gov’t o 1926 had killed and arrested his opponents o turned italy into a one-party state w/restricted civil liberities, o created a cult of personality o despite brutality many Italians believed he was resetoring social order and appreciated that gov’t was efficient o helped to formalize fascism • Weimar Republic- o New democratic republic in Germany that was unable to deal with the economic instability in Germany after the Great Depression • Adolph Hitler o Leader of nazi party o 1889-1945 o offers strategy for regaining political and economic strength and efficiency and for keeping workers under control. o Was an extreme anti-Semitist o Became involved in rightwing German politics and in 1920 helps to form Nazi party ▪ Promises to halt unpopular reparation made in Treaty of Versailles o Capitalized on Great Depression o Middle classes move right toward Nazi movement o Many ppl begin to believe that problems can be blamed on minorities especially jews o Used propaganda o Writes Mein Kampf (my struggle) in 1924…. o 1932 Nazi’s win largest number of seats in elections… Hitler becomes chancellor in 1933 ▪ tightens his grip on power and moved immediately to impose dramatic change… through purging of edu system, cinema, theater, literature and press…. ▪ Outlaws leftist parties, suspend civil liberties, imposes idealogical conformity and implements heavy censorship ▪ Eradicated unemployment by 1936 o Sought to unite several million ethnic Germans living in E and SE Euro o 1936 troops occupy Rhineland Adolf Hitler Who: Adolf Hitler What: Dictator of Germany and leader of the Nazi party Where: Germany When: 1919-1939 Why: The economic hardships endured by Germans after WWI and during the great depression made citizens attracted to Hitler’s strong leadership. So what: In 1919 Hitler joined the German Workers’ Party, and by the summer of 1921 Hitler had assumed control and renamed the party the Nazi Party. In two years membership reached 55,000. While in prison, Hitler realized that the Nazi Party would have to come to power by constitutional means rather than by overthrowing the Weimar Republic. By 1929, the Nazis had a national party organization. Hitler promised to create a new Germany free of class differences and party infighting. His appeal to national pride, national honor, and traditional militarism struck chords of emotion in his listeners. Hitler became chancellor on January 30, 1933 and formed a new government. He legally seized power on March 23 when a 2/3rd vote of the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act.
• Allies o Britain, France and the U.S. o Formed in the 1930’s o Wanted to preserve European state structure, global economy and Western colonial system in Africa and Asia o Big problem=dealing with imperialism of Axis nations o 1930’s followed a policy of appeasement led by Britain • Axis Powers o Fascist countries o Led by Germany, Italy and Japan o Sought to change political map of Europe and Asia and gain dominance in world economy • Tripartite Pact of 1940 o Tripartite pact linked Germany and Italy with Japan for mutual defense ▪ However Japan does not see interests as same with those of Euro fascists and pursued the pact partly to warn US that opposing Japanese aggression in Asia also meant facing the Germans and Italians • Spanish Civil War o Liberals and conservatives struggle for two years to control Spanish politics o 1930’s Spain=polarized between L and R o Spanish Repubs (L) during the 1936 election edged out of National front of conservatives, monarchists and staunch catholics ▪ Alarmed the R rallies around the fascist military forces led by Francisco Franco and launches Spanish civ war 1936-39 o Loyalist gov’ forces aided by USSR ultimately loose to Franco’s fascists o Had international flavor ▪ Germany and Italy helped Spanish fascists w/weapons and advice ▪ And several thousand volunteers from N Amer. And parts of Euro fight for loyalist cause • Holocaust o Hitler orders “final solution” of “Jewish Question” o The Nazis’ deliberate murder of Jews and Romany (Gypsies), one of the worst genocides in world history o One of worst genocides or deliberate mass killings of a target group in history o ¾ of Euro’s Jews were killed o In 1942 Germans erect death camps such as Bergen Belsen and Auschwitz targeting especially the large Jewish populations of Germany, Poland and Ukraine ▪ Jews everywhere=rounded up and put into death camps where they were killed by gas chambers, starved or worked to death o Also many Gypsies, Slavs, prisoners of war and other Europeans were murdered • Pearl Harbor o Conflict between US and Japan globalizes the war o Planned by Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto o 1941 Japanese navy ships and planes attack US naval base at Pearl Harbor ▪ Destroys considerable portion of US Pacific fleet ▪ Important because ends neutrality o Japanese leaders says that had a plan for new economic order in E and knew that to achieve this goal had to eliminate not only W colonial powers, but also US o Japanese leaders disagreed about challenging US power ▪ Some top argue that US has superior military and economic power and could easily defeat Japan ▪ Others argue that they could duplicate Hitler’s success in the Pacific o Proved a strategic disaster for Japan ▪ Outrages Americans once reluctant to go to war ▪ Roosevelt had been looking for ways to turn US public opinion toward war against Axis powers and end isolationism • Pearl Harbor serves that purpose ▪ Amer’s did not expect a assault on Hawaii where much of population=Japanese American ▪ US quickly mobilizes and regears economy for war • Japanese American Internment Camps o Racism aimed at 110,000 Japanese Americans o One of greatest invasions of civil liberties in US history o Many were US born or naturalized citizens living in Western states o Suspecting some of these Japanese Americans might have been spies or supported the war effort, though there was little evidence to support, the US gov’t rounded them up, seized their property and sent them into sparse internment camps in remote areas of W and S states ▪ Property was never returned • Hiroshima o Japan and US leaders could not agree on negotiations for peace ▪ Japan resists American’s demands for total surrender o So in August of 1945 US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima ▪ Bomb demolishes most of city and kills 80,000 people • Many die later from injuries or radiation o Hanged potential of warfare forever o Japanese cabinet divided on surrender debating whether the US had more than one bomb • Nagisaki o Three days after Hiroshima, US drops bomb on Nagasaki o Kills 60,000 Japanese civilians o Hirohito (Japanese emperor) opts for surrender August 15th o For first time in long history Japan was defeated ▪ More than 500 military officers committed suicide b/c disgraced o Debates on whether necessary to drop the bomb still ensue • Bretton Woods o 1944 Roosevelt summons representatives of 44 countries to a conference to establish postwar economic order, including a system of international monetary cooperation too prevent financial crises that caused the great depression o Sets up International Monetary Fund and the World Bank o Set up a fixed currency exchange rate and encouraged trade liberalization o Both policies benefit US the most • International Monetary Fund o Dominated by the US set up at Bretton Woods conference in 1944 o Provide credit to states requiring financial investment for major economic projects IMF Keefe Lecture Who: John Keynes What: Keynes proposed a smaller world bank that could print more money if needed to keep countries from falling into economic crises dealing with international trade. To compromise with the US disliking of a world bank controlling economic powers, the International Monetary Fund was created as an organization of small lending abilities for economic crisis, however it cannot print off its own money and runs off of member contributions. When: 1945 Where: Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Why: During the great depression, countries tried to solve economic problems by imposing restrictions on foreign currency and taxes on imports, commonly known as beggar-thy-neighbor policies. To prevent this from happening again, the IMF was set up to control fixed foreign exchange rates, eliminate beggar-thy-neighbor policies, and eliminate trade restrictions. So What: When US inflation caused freely floating exchange rates, the IMF should have disbanded since the use of floating exchange rates replaced fixed exchange rates. However, the IMF is still alive, and has increased its amount of members due to globalization and the opening of more economic markets, placing heavier responsibility on the IMF to respond to economic crisis that spreads faster today as a result of interlocking markets.
• World Bank o Dominated by the US set up at Bretton Woods conference in 1944 o Provide credit to states requiring financial investment for major economic projects World Bank (IBRD) / Who: United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (Bretton Woods, New Hampshire). What: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). It was originally created to finance the reconstruction of devastated nations of WWII. The World Bank is now composed of IBRD and the IDA, the International Development Association. Their new responsibility and focus is global poverty reduction and assistance to middle income and poor countries by means of low interest loans, interest free credit, and grants. When: Bretton Woods agreements on January 1st 1944 Where: Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Why: To finance the reconstruction of nations devastated by WWII. So What: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was originally created for financing the reconstruction after WWII and has now evolved as one of the two organizations that compose the World Bank, with 184 member states, who are required to joint he IMF prior to joining the IBRD. Together the IBRD and IDA fight their greatest challenge for global poverty through loans, credit, and grants funded by member states’ payments. • Yalta Conference o 1945 Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at a conference in Russia’s Yalta o Point=to determine postwar political order o Agreed to set up world organization the UN o Divides up Euro into anticommunist and communist spheres of influence ▪ W leaders reluctantly agree to Stalin’s demand that the Soviet Union be allowed to dominate E Euro by stationing troops there and influencing it’s governments ▪ Aftermath of war fosters new rivalry between US and USSR • United Nations o Set up in 1945 after WWII at the Yalta conference o Designed to carry on multiple goals o Primary role to prevent war among member states o Security council ▪ Permanent members which are Russia, China, France, Britain and US, have veto power • They were winners of WWII and at the time were the 5 strongest countries in the world ▪ Also has rotating members o General assembly…Universal membership ▪ Divided into subcommittees ▪ Lots of debates have gone around voting blocks ▪ Where most of exciting stuff happens, and stays b/c security council has veto power ▪ Constantly marginalized o The fact that the UN did not deal w/cold war showed that the UN was weaker than they expected o Secretariat ▪ Secretary general…loosely defined role some have had a large role with lots of power, while others haven’t o Some see UN as international organization that should be supranational o UN goes in and rebuilds a lot of Cambodia...including the government ▪ Moves it from a neutral international organization to more political o Founded on 3 general principles… ▪ Sovereignty of members • Each state has one vote in the general assembly, regardless of size, also recognizes inequality with 5 permanent ▪ Can only deal with international problems not problems within a country • Not designed to stop civil wars…has to figure a way to adapt ▪ Designed to deal with matters of peace and security…not really designed to deal with disease o Helps w/habits of cooperation, means of monitoring what states do, provide dispute recognization mechanism to resolve disputes, may provide key forum for changes in International power o Problems=needs to find ways to adapt b/c of civil wars, now more members, 5 powers not the most powerful anymore, powerful countries do not abide by rules etc. • Modernization Theory o The theory that explains the modern transformations of social life • World System Theory o Post-marxist theory Kyoto Protocol
Who: 156 countries including China, Russia, and Europe, but NOT USA What: An international treaty on climate in which countries agree to reduce their emissions of Carbon Dioxide and five other greenhouse gases and engage in emissions trading if the maintain or increase their emission levels.
Where: World wide
When: Entered into force Feb 16 2005
Why: Global Warming is a problem that threatens the whole world. So What: A positive step by the UN to help out the economy. But the treaty gives no plan of action for industrialized countries of reduce their emissions. Its much easier for non industrialized countries. The treaty is not ratified by the US because the government feels it would hurt the economy. Without commitments from the major emitters it is predicted that the protocol will only reduce Greenhouse gas emission
Chapter 25 Key Terms
Ho Chi Minh o Mixes nationalism with Marxism o Establishes Viet Minh o 1930’s leads Indochinese Communist party ▪ brought together all nationalist forces in a Marxist-led united front that worked toward revolution and independence
Vladmir Lenin o Russian communist leader o Blamed poverty on colonial and neocolonial societies on industrialized nations that had imposed a capitalist system on subject peoples ▪ Saw world as divided between imperial countries and dominated countries o View appealed to radical nationalists that wanted to make sense of their subjugation to the west ▪ People who used to read about democracy, now read about socialism and communism in Russia
Agusto Cesar Sandino o 1895-1934 o Became a hero to nationalists in C. America o Led a U.S. peasant resistance ▪ Americans want to intervene. U.S. marines overthrew government hostile to U.S. and than remain from 1909-1903…often had to fight his rebel group
Anastasio Somoza o 1896-1956 o Corrupt Nicaraguan president o Had support from U.S. b/c they desired to protect U.S. investments by maintaining stability in C. America… so had to support gov’t led by landowners and generals
Chinese Revolution of 1911 o Ends 2000 year old imperial system ▪ Led to Republic… Chinese hoped that would give nation renewed strength • However, china lapses into war-lordism and civil war with a central gov’t in name only • Also subject to pressure from W. and Japan ▪ Unrest sparks to movements that fosters resurge in Nationalism that was more influential in most non-industrialized countries ▪ Also leads to formation of communist party
New Culture Movement o Supported by Chinese intellectuals o Sought to wash away the discredited past and sprout literary revival o Originated in 1915 at Beijing University ▪ School hired radical professors… encouraged mixing of Chinese and Western thought • Prof’s begin producing literary magazine New Youth… became chief vehicle for attacking China’s traditions including Confucianism (believed irrelevant and kept China backward) • Admire liberal and open atmosphere and viewed modern science as liberation from superstition • Essays ask youth to destroy old society and pursue individual rights and ambitions and to for women to seek equality with men • Popular among men and women
Sun Yat-Sen o 1866-1925 o Led revolutionary movement to overthrow Qing dynasty, but had been forced to exile o Begins to rebuild nationalist forces the Guomindang (aka nationalist party) o Did not receive help from Western nations, so forged closer ties with Soviet Union ▪ SU sends advisers and military aid o Mid 1920’s Guomindnag and Chinese Communists work together in alliance known as United Front ▪ Purpose=to defeat war-lordism and prevent foreign enroachment ▪ Sun’s ideology grows less democratic and more authoritarian • Believed that his people were not ready for democracy
Chiang Kai-shek o 1887-1975 o Sun Yat Sen’s brother in-law… new Guomindang leader o Began to develop a close relationship with U.S. while building an modern military force ▪ 1926 and 1928 forces and communist allies reunify China with a military drive called Northern Expedition where they defeated or coopted warlords • 1928 national gov’t replace warlord regime • Foreign powers recognize Chiang’s New Republic of China o Led right wing that allied with antiprogressive shanghai business community ▪ Expelled communist from United Front in 1927 and began and reign of terror on leftists who sough social change and mobilization of workers o Chiang’s republic based in Nanjing (1928-37) launched a program to modernize ▪ Fosters economic development and forges a modern state ▪ Builds railroads, factories, a banking system and a modern army, streamline gov’t, fostered public health and edu and adopted new legal codes • New laws prompt monogamy, equal inheritance rights for women (however little power to carry out) ▪ Negotiates to end most unequal international treaties ▪ U.S. gov’t=closely ally with … generously provide to help modernize o However, unable/unwilling to deal with growing poverty of peasantry ▪ Commercialization shifts more land to landlords o Tolerated government corruption o Influenced by Euro fascism…expanded repression… built and authoritarian police state that brutally represses all dissent o 1931 Japan seizes Manchuria which undermined his government ▪ forces them to relocate in Chongqing o Many intellectuals loose faith in China’s regime and traditions b/c of weakness in world and continued despotism
Mao Zedong o 1893-1976 o pursued own strategy to mount revolution saw as necessary to replace Chiang Regime and reshape China o 1918 moved to Beijing where he embraced communism o 1927 Chiang attempts to eliminate communists and Mao flees to Jiangxi (S/C China) ▪ There he sets up a revolutionary base known as Jiangxi soviet… after political action groups of early 20th cent. Russia • Organizes guerilla force to fight Guomindang, rejects advice of Soviet advisers and depend on support of Urban working class… Mao opted to rely on China’s huge pesantry o Builds army out of peasants, bandits and former Guomindang soldiers… mobilizes local pop. To provision and feed army o Believed that violence=necessary to oppose china • 1928-34 expands Jiangxi Soviet by setting up Communist-led local gov’t and redistributes land from rich to poor • As Chiang’s repression intensifies, Mao gains more support • Chiang leads army blockard to Jiangxi o 1935 Mao leads Long March in search of another base… ▪ Red army travels 6000 miles on foot and horseback ▪ Made Mao and unchallenged party leader o Moves to Yan’an • 1937 Japan invades China so Chiang has to shift military focus and gave communists opportunity to regroup and spread message of change o Mao proposes united front against Japan and Chiang has to agree o Calls their struggle a “people’s war” … combines military action and political recruitment o Set up village gov’ts ad peasant associations and encouraged women’s rights o Communist/nationalist message of social revolution offers hope of better life o Promoted Maoism o Introduces mass campaigns in which everyone engages in physical labor that benefited villages o Sent intellectuals to villages to teach and learn o Believed that Chinese people had collective power and creativity to triumph over nature, poverty and exploitation to build a new society o Builds foundation for revolution by gaining domination over much of rural N China ▪ Where he gained pop support ▪ 1949 communist gov’t=established
o Ideology promoted by Mao that mixed ideas from Chinese tradition with Marxist-Leninist ideas from Soviet Union o Generally helps peasants especially those in villages o Emphasizes subordination of individual to needs of group (traditional Chinese belief) o Superiority of political values over technical and artistic ones o Belief in all humans will as a social force o Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (military) and communist party must command the gun o Introduces mass campaigns in which everyone engages in physical labor that benefited villages o Sent intellectuals to villages to teach and learn o Believed that Chinese people had collective power and creativity to triumph over nature, poverty and exploitation to build a new society o Millions starve to death b/c of this and many suffer political repression o Late 1950’s Mao introduced after failure of Stalinism ▪ Emphasizes mass mobilization of population • Mobilized for development projects ▪ also pest elimination ▪ emphasized human will: people working together were capable of anything if they had confidence in their collective power ▪ “Serve the People”
Amritsar Massacre o Severe economic slump after war, heightens Indian discontent o Brit’s clamp down on dissent and political activity to maintain laws that had been imposed during war b/c scared o Repression reaches height in 1919 in Punjab city of Amritsar ▪ Brits fearing a massive uprising ordered soldiers w/o warning to open fire on unarmed crowd at unauthorized rally where escape=difficult • Attack killed 400 and wounded 1000 • Shooting only stops when troops run out of ammunition • This=greeted with outrage • Anger intensifies when Brit’s hail officer in command General Dyer as Nat’ hero ▪ Indians=appalled!!!!
Mohandas Gandhi o 1868-1948 o Unrest brought new Indian nationalist leaders o Develops unique ideas and exhibits eccentric personal behavior, generates bitter opponents and sometimes frustrates loyal allies o Gets law degree in Britain, lived in S. Africa o Develops acts of nonviolent resistance to assert rights of Indian immigrants in S. Africa ▪ Non-cooperation w/unjust laws and peaceful confrontation with illegitimate authority ▪ Became president of main nationalist organization in 1920 after returning to India… Indian Nationalist Congress o Ideas based on Jains and Buddhists who did not believe in taking life… also promoted by Quakers ▪ Believes that violence was never justified and enemy should be meet w/good reason and spirit o Made mass civil disobedience like marches, sit-ins, boycotts… o Opposes global econ. System, competitive capitalism, trade, believed India should reject W. capitalist methods o Insisted that untouchables be included in political action… coined term Harijans (children of God) o 1920’s develops mass bass where supported by people from al of India ▪ each campaign led to Brit concession and a growing realization that Brit cannot hold India forever o Great Salt March in 1930… marches to west coast where produce salt from seawater…breaks Brit laws b/c salt production=lucrative gov’t monopoly o Advocates social equality between men and women, and encourages women participation in politics and public life…. Also urge women to abandon seculusion and join nationalist cause ▪ However believes they are suited to passive resistance
Indian National Congress o 1920 leader=Ghandi…main nationalist organization o led to unrest that forced Brits to modify some of their colonial policies o happened b/c of growing unrest to Brit policies o Supported by people all over India o However, Muslims had little representation o Want secular state o 1937 won 70 percent of vote and majority of seats by defeating Muslim League
Jawaharlal Nehru o 1889-1964 o Succeded Gandhi as congress leader in 1929 o Strongest advocate of secular, modern India aristocratic-Marxist influenced product of Western elite edu… passion for welfare of common people o Demanded complete freedom from Brit domination o Focused on political independence
Great Salt March o Sparked by Great Depression…lowered standard of living, prices earned for India’s major cash crops=cut in half, collapse of rural credit o Great Salt March in 1930… marches to west coast where produce salt from seawater…breaks Brit laws b/c salt production=lucrative gov’t monopoly o Brits kill 103 injure 420 and imprision 60,000 resisters o Release Gandhi a few months later and he arees to halt civil disobedience campaigns if Brits would promote Indian made goods and hold a conference to discuss India’s political future
Muhammed Ali Jinnah o 1876-1948 o Promoted Two Nations Theory ▪ Argued that Islam and Hinduism=diff. social orders and that it was naïve for Congress to dream that two groups could ever forge a common nationality ▪ Develops Muslim league into mass political movement in competiton with the Congress o In 1931 Muslim League and Congress clash and Indian leaders and Brit officials meet in London to expand elections ▪ Demand separate electorates to ensure their groups gain representation • However Congress sees this as a way for Brit’s to divide and rule o B/c of loss in 1937, redoubles efforts to unite Muslim’s against congress
o WWII o Brit’s commit Indian troops to war w/o consulting Congress leaders o 1942 Gandhi mounts campaign “quit India” ▪ Brit’s arrest Gandhi o Bose leads a failed invasion of India and the Muslim league grows increasingly independent… eventually after end of WWII both Pakistatn and Indian gain independence from Britain. o While arrest of congress leaders… Jinnah completely severs league from Congress… Brits cultivate Jinnah who joined gov’t and conlidates power of league ▪ Demands creation of Separate Muslim state … Pakistan based on provinces where Muslims-majority ▪ Gandhi urges them to resist, but he termed suicide of partition
Viet Minh o 1941 established by Ho Chi Minh o AKA Vietnamese Independent leaguge o Coalition of anti-French groups that waged war against both French colonizers and Japanese who occupied Vietnam during WWII o 1944 moved out of bases along Chinese border and expand influence in N Vietnam attracting thousands of poor peasants to anti-french nat’ causes while attacking Japanese occupiers ▪ organized local viallge admin led by peasants who sympathized with their movement
o 1902-1970 o Key founder of Indonesian Nationalist party founded in 1927… promoted a new national identity and rejected Islamce reform ideas o Dedicated life to politics and freeing Indoneia o Influenced by Hindu puppet stories o Had a way of bringing together contradictory ideas o Slogan=”one nation-Indonesia, one people-Indonesia, one language-Indonesia” o Designed a flag and wrote national anthem for independent Indonsea o Arrested by dutch authorities in 1929 and exiled him to remote island prision for next decade o Made him a nationalist symbol and increased popularity o Nat’ party vision grew slowly throughout 1930s
Kemel Ataturk o 1881-1938 o 1919 began mobilizing military forces in E. Anatolia into revolutionary organization to oppose Ottoman Sultan ▪ wanted to restore dignity to Turks ▪ accepted loss of Arab lands but wanted to preserve Turkish majority areas and E. Anatolia districts inhabited chiefly by Kurds o Established rival Turkish gov’t in Ankara nad than led his forces in fighting Sultan’s gov’t in Istanbul and foreign occupiers ▪ Pushes Greeks back to Aegean sea and eventually Turkey and Greece agreed to population transfer (turks move back to turkey and greeks move back to Greece) o 1922 deposed Ottoman sultan and set up republic w/him as president o violated muslim customs…pursued sexual promiscuity and drank heavily in public ▪ dismisses Islamic culture as inferior o Favors modernization, claimed that secularization and emancipation of women were Turkish traditions ▪ 1920’s reforms…revamp legal system, replace Arabic with western alphabet, prohibit polygamy, grant women equal rights in divorce, abolish islam religious schools and courts, remove reference to Islam as state religion from const and p used w clothing and banned brimless hats ▪ gov’t resembles parliamentary democracy but excercised near dictatorial power ▪ although changed nation, many reforms never adopted in villages
Reza Khan o 1877-1944 o 1921 took control of gov’t in Iran with British backing and end monarchy o supported by secular Shi’ites ▪ they had long struggled for a dem/open society o 1925 w/urging shi’ite clergy he abandons republican gov’t and formed Pahlavi dynasty w/himself as king ▪ set his country on path toward modernization ▪ 1935 renames Iran as symbolic break with past ▪ created large national army through conscription, built railroads and roads, established gov’t factories, spurred economy ▪ took over oil industry..important b/c improved political standing in world ▪ introduces W. law and code and encourage to wear W hats/clothes…outlaws veiling of women ▪ little improvement for poor Iranians ▪ expanded land loard class ▪ favored Germany… prompted Anglo=Russian occupation of Iran which allies needed as supply route • was really embarrassed by foreign intervention
Muslim Brotherhood o Reaction against W. o New Egyptian religious movement founded in 1928 that expressed popular Arab reaction to Westernization o Founded by Hasan al-Banna ▪ Despised W. values o Followed strict interpretation of Quran and the hadiths, though accepted modern technology and opent to a more active public role for women o Developed following in Sudan and W. Asia
Balfour Declaration o 1917, a letter from British foreign minister to Zionist leaders giving Brit support for establishment of Palestine as a national homeland for Jewish people ▪ however Palestine=already occupied ▪ 1920’s and 30’s thousands of Jews migrate to Palestine w/Brit support ▪ Arabs did not see many benefits and were afraid of becoming the minority so 1936 rebellion leads to 3 year civil war… want an independent Palestine ▪ 1939 Brits place limit on immigration worried about alienating Egypt
Lazaro Cardenas o Elected in 1934-1940 o Army officer w/socialist leanings o Fulfilled promises to peasants by supplying them with land owndershp to ejidos (tradiation agriculture cooperatives) who now apportioned land to their members ▪ Hoped ejidos would rebuild schools and hospitals and supply credit to farmers ▪ However production fell and money services/gov’t had promised never materialized o Introduced reforms ▪ Encouraged formation of large labor confederation…working class enjoys higher standard of living ▪ Follows nationalist econ. Policy, ▪ Nationalized industry ▪ Workers gain role in managing oil and railroads ▪ Supports womens rights however could not vote until 1953 ▪ Reorganizes ruling party of revolutionary institutions…found four functional groups… military, middle class, organized labor and peasants…allowed for more gov’t control ▪ During WWII Mexico and U.S. signs agreement to send more Mexican workers to N to fill job positions
o Result of decolonization o Many countries had to undergo this b/c if they did not abide by colonizers rules than they would starve b/c economic aid would end ▪ Some countries chose to accept the conditions o Continuing strong political and economic influence by former colonizers ▪ Happened in Philippines…Amer’s maintain major role in economy ▪ French control much of economy/advise government in Cote d’Ivoire o Some of the people colonized promote decolonization of the mind ▪ Many try to do this by build a nationalist culture that reflects local traditions or abandoning the use of Western Languages in people’s writting
First World o New global syst. After 1945… observers divide world into three categories of countries…each have diff level of econ development o Comprised the industrialized democracies of Western Europe, North America, Australia-New Zealand and Japan
Second World o Refers to communist nations led by USSR, and China
Third world o Most societies… in Asia Africa, Latin Amer., and Carribean o Marked by mass poverty and a legacy of Western colonization or neocolonialism
Cold war o Conflict lasting from 1946-1989 in which the US and USSR competed for allies and engaged in occasional warfare against their rival’s allies rather than with each other directly o Nations practicing capitalism and often democracy fall on one side led by U.S. called the Free world o Others marked by socialist authoritarianism led by USSR was known as Soviet Bloc o Third group who wanted to form a third block did not want to align with either o U.S. also seeks access to resources and foreign markets and USSR supports communist regimes and movements o Never fought each other directly… involved in dozens of wars in other countries like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan… many died and they intervened in countries such as Guatemala, Iran, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. o After WWII U.S. concern shifts from countering Japan to countering USSR ▪ U.S. did not want communism to spread o Misunderstanding between superpowers ▪ Soviets occupy E. Europe as buffer zone and considers the W a threat, claim helping exploited ▪ Amers do not trust USSR and consider communism a threat, claim defending freedom o Transform politics by dragging in emerging nations o Series of smaller conflicts occurred in involving surrogates, governments or movements allied to one superpower and fighting troops from other superpower ▪ Lots of use of guerrilla warfare o Engaged in a major arms raced and spend trillions of dollars on nuclear weapons which led to widespread fear of mass destruction o After war, US became sole superpower
Bandung Conference o 1955 twenty nine nonaligned Asian and African countries hold conference at Bandung Indonesia o Purpose=to oppose colonialism and gain recognition from what they called a third world bloc ▪ Various countries want to from a third bloc asserting interests while navigating dangerous shoals of superpower demands • Promote nonalignment with either superpower • Provided alternative to free world and soviet bloc o But had trouble maintaining unity in decades to follow
Guerrilla warfare o Used a lot by insurgents in Cold war o An unconventional military strategy of avoiding full-scale direct confrontations in favor or small-scale skirmishes
Arms race o Major component of cold war o Both superpowers create nuclear weapons ▪ Most deadly result of technological surge ▪ Nuclear explosion creates a powerful blast, intense heat and deadly radiation over a wide area. o Growth of nuclear arsenals=most dangerous part of larger trend toward increased militarization o Both superpowers/world fear devastating power of nuclear weapons o Came close to confrontation on several occasions but after 1945 weapons never used o Cuban missle crsis o 1987 us/ussr negotiate first treaty to reduce arms o total world production and spending devoted to militaries grew dramatically during cold war
United Nations o Founded in 1945 after WWII o Largest attempt by most of world’s sovereign nations to cooperate for the common good o Became a key forum for global debate and an agency for improving global conditions o UN charter’s principles to develop friendly relations among nations based on respoect and principle of equal rights, and self-determination of ppl and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace. ▪ Also wants to save next generation from war, reaffirm faith in fundamental rights and respect international law o Helped protect human rights o Members grew to 200 by 2000 o Formed agencies like UNICEF, World Health Organization and United Nations Children Fund o Influences international relations by discouraging states from using force whenever they desired. o When some nations want to go to war, they face widespread disapproval from UN o Sometimes security council sends troops to keep peace
Security Council o Policymaking o Nations feel obligated to make case/endure criticism to them before they go to wars o Nations determined to go to war often ignore widespread disapproval o Sometimes sends in troops to help peace in troubled countries o Five major powers of 1945 have 5 permanent seats in (US, China, Britain, France, and USSR) with veto power
Kyoto Protocol o 1997 most nations sign to begin reducing the harmful gases that contribute to global warming
International Criminal Court o 2002 treaty established o goal=prosecuting perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
Gulf War of 1991 o First major post war challenge for US… Saddam Hussein ▪ Ordered his army to invade/occupy Iraq’s small oil rich neighbor Kuwait ▪ US had supported Saddam and provided his military with weapons in 1980s when Iraq fighting against Iran ▪ US organized international coalition funded chiefly by Arabs o US defeats Iraqis and push them out of Kuwait o After war President George H.W. Bush proclaims “new world order” ▪ Envisions US as a world policeman w/no superpower rival to check its power
o A pattern in which economic, political and cultural processes reach beyond nation-state boundaries o Roots=economy linked distant societies that has been developing over past 2500 years o Caused both positive and negative things ▪ Caused overpopulation, increasing gap between rich and poor, led to continued foreign domination of some groups and nations by others, World Bank and International monetary Fund have lent money to developing nations, but sometimes dictate economic policies to borrowers, multinationals exert so much influence and set world prices for commodities, industrialization has caused many to loose jobs because of outsourcing, gap between rich and poor increased ▪ Boosted world economies, reaped great rewards for countries like US, and China, industrialization have created third industrial rev and power technologies and Green Revolution, service information industries, developing world makes great progress with infant mortality and adult literacy ▪ Women=great problems, but grassroots movements have tried to help ▪ Population has exploded causing many countries to fear that it will outstrip resources ▪ Increase in pollution and deforestation….caused massive extinction and global warming
World Bank o International lending agency formed by WWII anti-Fascist allies in 1944 to aid postwar reconstruction o Funded development projects such as dams and agricultural schemes o Played crucial role o Most Asian, Latin Amer, Afr and Carribean gov’ts did not earn enough income from exports to import luxuries, buy food and medicine, finance projects etc…. ▪ Gov’ts take out loans from IMF or World Bank ▪ Both closely linked with US
International Monetary Fund o International lending agency formed by WWII anti-Fascist allies in 1944 to aid postwar reconstruction o Regulated currency dealings and helped alleviate severe financial problems o Most Asian, Latin Amer, Afr and Carribean gov’ts did not earn enough income from exports to import luxuries, buy food and medicine, finance projects etc…. ▪ Gov’ts take out loans from IMF or World Bank • Both closely linked with US o Had power to dictate economic policies to countries borrowing from it ▪ Favored W investment and free markets often at expense of government funding for social services • Borrowers failing to make these changes risked loosing imf loans
o Established by 23 nations in 1947 o Shape world economy reflecting na economic connectedness between nations unprecedented in world history o Set general guidelines for the conducts of world trade and rules for establishing tariffs and trade regulations
o 124 nations in 1995 o marks new phase in evolution of post war economic system o by 21st century communist nations with market economies joined o had stronger dispute resolution capabilities than GATT and a member country could not veto a WTO decision that declared one of it’s regulations to be an unfair restriction on trade
Third Industrial Revolution o Creation since 1945 of unprecedented scientific knowledge of new technologies more powerful than any invented before o Traditional steel mills and industrialized nations were displaced by nuclear power, computers, automation and robotry. o Also brings rocketry, genetic engineering, silicon chips, and lasers o Space technology brings first man on moon o Dramatic consequences like green revolution o Businesses have moved factories to countries with low wages and costs…outsourcing has caused millions to loose jobs
Green Revolution o Fostered increased agricultural output through use of new high-yield seeds and mechanized farming such as gasoline-powered tractors and harversters ▪ Can shorten growing season ▪ Poor villages can help increase food output and thus increase profit ▪ However some countries…. Many ppl loose jobs b/c need fewer people to shape land
Grameen Bank o Created in 1983 by Yunus o Makes credit available on cheap terms to peasants…especially women for small scale projects o In Bangledesh o Promotes philosophy of self-help o Economic development from bottom up/grassroots o Founder Muhammad Yunus felt that conventional economics taught in Unviersiteis was hollow and ignored the poverty/struggles occurring in nations villages ▪ Learned that bank do not make loans to poor
o Transformation of once productive land into useless deserted o Increased with government, market, and population pressure to expand agriculture onto marginal land o Severe problem o Undermine farming by causing soil erosion and severe flooding
Wangari Maathai o 2004 won nobel peace prize o global environmental activist in Kenya o leader of greenbelt movement
Greenbelt Movement o Kenya, 2004 o Bring middle-class urbanites and rural peasants together in a common cause o Won nobel peace prize in 2004 o Way to counter environmental decay
Al Qaeda o Jihadi organization known as “the base” o Main leader=osama bin laden o To recruit support and communicate with members ued instruments of information superhighway, publicizing cause by setting up websites, using e-mail, satellite phones and releasing video tapes to cable news networks of bin laden’s messages o mid-1990s o Setp 11th 2001 four members hijack four US commercial airliners and crash into World Trade Center and Pentagon in NY ▪ G Bush declares war and attacks Al Qaeda • Thinks Saddam Hussein is closely linked so attack Iraq and find no evidence
Osama Bin Laden o Leader of al qaeda o Used wealth to support afghan rebels, mostly devout muslims who were also funded nad armed by u.s. o Used supporters among foreign fighters to set up Al Qaeda o In mid 1990s begins to plot terrorist goals against former ally in afghan resistance ▪ Mad at US b/c supported repressive Arab governments and had a close alliance with Israel ▪ Viewed US as biggest threat to revitalizing Islamic world
Chiang Kai-shek o 1887-1975 o Head of Republic of China o AKA Jiang Jeshi o 1949 defeated by Mao Zedong in Beijing…Surrendered in Manchuria in 1948 o Nationalist government in China ▪ Hated Mao and had fierce civil war with him • Supported by US o After defeated established Republic of China on Taiwan ▪ 1947 local resentment of his regime that ignored local customs led to an island-wide uprising ▪ Republic collapses in 1948-49 ▪ Viewed Taiwan as a temporary refuge and hoped to reconquer mainland later and return ▪ Ruled with a police state ▪ Made it illegal to advocate making Taiwan permanently independent of China
Mao Zedong o 1893-1976 o Chinese Communist leader o 1949 driven to downtown Beijing with communist military force for People’s Liberation Army ▪ Defeated Chiang Kai-shek with help of USSR support • Also gained support because people wanted a change in government…especially less corrupt and more honest ▪ Through 1949 pushed Chiang’s army south and took major cities ▪ At Tiananmen square announced new communist government called the People’s Republic of China • Important because it brought an end to a century of severe social and political instability o Leaders=now committed to revolutionary transformation of society and tried to make china respected abroad once again o Restored China’s status as major world power • Created a new model of economic development different from both western dominated capitalism and highly centralized soviet communism • Most experimental country on earth o After failure of Stalinism, created Maoism in 1950’s o Reorganizes rural economy into communes…helped to increase agricultural production fivefold ▪ Kept peasants at home rather than making them move into the city o Under his government everyone in government=party members down to villages o Sent troops to occupy Tibet in 1950 o Led communists to victory, reunified china, focused public attention on rural people o Iron rice bowl where people share resources and peasants enjoy status and dignity o Helps women to gain more status
Great Leap Forward o Most radical Maoist policy o 1958-61 o Ambitious attempt to industrialize China rapidly and end poverty through collective efforts ▪ Farmers/workers forced to build small iron furnaces in their backyards, courtyards and gardens and to spend their free time turning everything from cutlery to old bicycles into steel ▪ Poorly conceived campaign…. Wrecked economy and caused 30 million people to starve o Undermined Mao’s influence and brings about moderate policies in early 1960’s
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution o 1966-76 o Radical movement in China that represented Mao’s attempt to implant his vision, destroy his enemies crush the stifling bureaucracy and renew his revolution’s vigor o Supporters=red guards o Mao personality cult spreads o Chaos causes serious economic problems ▪ Disrupts industrial and agricultural production and closes down most schools for two years ▪ Thousands die or are put in jail or removed from official positions ▪ Some sent to remote rural areas to experience peasant life ▪ Anti-Maoists=face much discrimination
Red Guards o Young workers and students who were major supporters of cultural revolution in Mao’s China o 1966-76 o Roamed around cities and countryside in groups smashing temples and churches and attacking and arresting anti-Mao leaders o Created revolutionary committees led by students, workers and soldiers to run cities, factories and schools o Carried around little red books w/quotations of Mao o In cultural revolution ▪ Unfulfilled promises and chaos disillusion youth
Deng Xiaoping o 1904-97 o Comes to power in 1978 after Mao o Often clashes with Mao and disagreed with his view of self-sufficient ideological pure China outside of world economy ▪ Concludes that China needs to modernize economy enough to make China a world power • 1978 portrays china’s as turning point in history…announces four modernizations o Development of agriculture, industry, military and science and technology, to turn China into a powerful nation by 2000 o Used market socialism to spur economy o Claims that to get rich is glorious o 1980’s China enjoys fastest economic growth in world ▪ urban middle class grows rapidly o Loosens political and cultural controls ▪ Tolerates religion, intellectuals and artists enjoy greater freedom ▪ Books and magazines from around world become available o Corruption increases o Uses Market Leninism after Beijing Massacre ▪ Policy whereby Chinese Communist state asserts more power over society while also fostering an even stronger market orientation in the economy than had existed under market socialism o Special economic zones=industrialized while other areas=not o Desperate people turned increasingly to crime as a way to get ahead o Introduced a one child per family policy to try to stabilize the population
Market Socialism o 1978-89 pursued by Deng Xiaoping o A mix of free enterprise, economic liberalization, and state controls that produce economic dynamism o Concerned with economic results rather than socialist values o China reenters world economy on own terms to obtain capital investment and spur manufacturing for global market o Used market to stimulate productivity o Began to import technologies, foreign expertise and capitalist ideology o Wider international participation o Improves ties with US, Japan, W. Europe and non-communist SE Asia o Gap between richer villages and poorer villages o Dramatic changes ▪ Private enterprise and government competes with each other ▪ Contract system ▪ Free markets leads to soaring productivity and prosperity ▪ Cheap labor forces causes hundreds of W and Asian companies to set up manufacturing operations ▪ Becomes consumer society in 1980
Beijing Massacre o 1989 tensions in Deng’s China reaches a boiling point o Thousands of protesters led by University students and workers take over downtown Beijing calling for resignation of the most unpopular hardline leaders, an end to gov’t corruption and transition to a fully open, democratic system ▪ Hardliners with Deng purge moderate party leaders and order army to clear out demonstrators ▪ Sent in tanks…. The army kills hundreds and arrests thousands ▪ Millions around world watch on TV o Miscalculated prospects of a democracy with an authoritarian political tradition o After this, communists modify market socialism into Market Leninism…asserts more power over society and obsessed with stability
Supreme Command of Allied Powers (SCAP) o Post WWII occupation of US aided Japan’s recovery ▪ Placed under US dominated military administration SCAP o Task=to rebuild rather than to punish o Mission=to demilitarize and democratize Japan using US as the model and to aid economic recovery o Dismantled Japanese military, removed some civilian politician and tried/hanged seven wartime leaders as war criminals ▪ Fear that if removed emperor would cause instability…. So he was only forced to renounce godlike aura and become a more public figure o Thriving political democracy ▪ New constitution guarantees civil liberties and weakens central government ▪ Also renounced war as Japan’s sovereign right (promotes international peace) ▪ All adult citizens including women could vote for first time in Japanese history o Economy gradually recovers using quasicapitalist system…mix of gov’t intervention and free markets ▪ Land reform heavily subsidizes peasants making them strong gov’t supporters o Officially ends in 1952 o Most successful when Japanese and US desires meet or when Japanese traditions and policies match up o Electoral system imposed by SCAP gives greater weight to rural voters…conservative backbone of LDP support
Japan Inc o Japanese capitalism existed after 1945 o Type of capitalist economy that was a form of mercantilism…cooperative relationship between government and big business o The national government and big business worked together to manage the economy. ▪ Government regulated business setting overall guidelines, sponsoring research and development, and leasing the resulting products or technology to private enterprises ▪ Most businesses accepted guidelines b/c they took a longer term view of profitability than we common among W. business leaders ▪ Gov’t-business cooperation happens mostly in internat’ trade ▪ Gov’t aids business by erecting protectionist barriers and bureaucratic hurdles that impeded foreign businesses in Japanese markets o Created great growth but also caused environmental problems and great personal sacrifices on part of workers
o An example of how economy has changed men’s lives especially in growing middle class o Most men in universities want to become salaried white collar office workers for major corporations ▪ Urban middle-class male business employee who commits his energies and soul to the company, accepts assignments without complaint, and takes few vacations o Many work all day, and than after go socialize with officemates leaving the wife to take care of the house
Little Dragons o South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong which were strongly influenced by Chinese culture and built rapidly growing industrializing economies o High annual economic growth rates help them to industrialize o East Asia countries achieve economic development o 1990’s diversify into high technologies and poses an economic challenge to Japan and the W o All except for Hong Kong largely follow the Meiji Japan model of state-directed capitalism. ▪ Also influenced by Japan’s resurgence after WWII o All share a Confucian cultural heritages that emphasize hard work, discipline, cooperation and tolerance for authoritarian governments (from China) o All achieve an export-oriented industrialization that dramatically raised incomes, reduced poverty and forged high standards in health and education ▪ However, for S. Korea, development came only after brutal war
Korean War o 1950-53 o Rooted in Korean nationalism that simmered during half a century of harsh Japanese colonial rule ▪ Japan introduced economic modernization but also arrested or execute Korean nationalist, conscripted women to be in the army and relocated thousands of workers to be in Japan ▪ Also they manipulated the divisions within the society o Japan=defeated by US in 1945…Koreans though that it meant political liberation…but US quickly occupies the S and Soviet Union occupies the N ▪ Unification becomes impossible as both the USSR and US establish rival governments • Kim Il Sung in North (communist) • Rhee Syngman in S o Korean states threaten to reunify Korea with military force and initiate border skirmishes ▪ North invades S in 1950 ▪ US leads a military intervention to support S • Turns this into Cold War confrontation ▪ UN troops aided by US air power quickly push N Koreans back across N-S border ▪ US general decides to invade China and N Korea and push toward Chinese order • Sparks massive intervention of Chinese troops o War ends in 1953 with peace talks… was a stalemate but both sides claim victory ▪ Still same N-S border but both sides=mad at each other • Border=heavily fortified zone o One of major challenges in China’s foreign affairs o China in 1950 supports North Korea (communists) ▪ China=drawn into war b/c USSR backed N Korea and UN forces led by US sent to defend Pro-US S Korea ▪ Mao’s troops defeat o War creates hostility and mutual fear between China and US o Also improves China’s international position o After this US shifts emphasis from restructuring Japanese society to integrating Japan into anti-communist Western alliance o Shapes E. Asian politics for half a century after o Leaves both N and S in shambles o Fighting generates millions of Korean refugees
Kim II-Sung o Forms government in N Korea o Born in a Christian family and lived in the USSR for years o Builds a brutal communist system, eliminated his opponents and reorganized rural society o Overestimated the revolutionary potential of the South where leftists often mistrusted him and also misjudged the Americans who were determined to stop spread of soviet influence o His decision to reunite Korea w/force led to the Korean war ▪ Was a mistake that devastated the country o 1948-94 he was the nation’s president, head of the communist party and commander of armed forces ▪ Invented a political philosophy of self-reliance closely related to Mao’s ▪ Also created a personality cult around himself as the “Great Leader” • N Koreans were taught that they owed him everything
“One China Policy” o 1949 Chiang Kai Shek relocated to Taiwan Island where he reestablished the Republic of China o Two governments now claimed to represent China…long term diplomatic problem for world community ▪ Both governments of People’s republic on mainland and that of Republic of Taiwan regarded the island as an integral part of China rather than a separate nation • “one China policy” endorsed by most of the world o endorsed by US in 1978 • Major principle factor in relations of mainland’s People’s Republic of China and Taiwan’s Republic of China
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The assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire at Sarajevo was the event that led to the start of the First World War. The Austro-Hungarian government believed that the assassin that killed Ferdinand and his wife were a product of the Serbian government, And as a result they declared war on Serbia. Because of the alliance system this caused Russia to mobilise their troops.…
- 644 Words
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Good Essays -
The war was propagated by two major alliances. The Entente Powers initially consisted of France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and their associated empires and dependencies. Numerous other states joined these allies, most notably Italy in April 1915, and the United States in April 1917. The Central Powers, so named because of their central location on the European continent, initially consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary and their associated empires. The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October 1914, followed a year later by Bulgaria. By the conclusion of the war, only The Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and the Scandinavian nations remained officially neutral among the European countries, though many of those provided financial and material support to one side or the other.…
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Good Essays -
The Triple Entente was an alliance formed in 1907 by France, Britain and Russia before the 1st world war. It was started by the French because they felt threatened by Germany and the triple alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy)…
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Good Essays -
After the First World War, Germany had suffered a major loss. France, Great Britain, the United States, Russia, and other small countries went against Germany,…
- 1861 Words
- 8 Pages
Powerful Essays