Taniqua Shepperson, Aaron Pye, Mindy Rivera
June 22, 2013
Melba Pearson
Contemporary Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice and Private Security
Problem or Issue Statement
Research Questions
Literature Review
Since the events of the Newtown School Shooting and the Boston Marathon Bombing both cities have rebuilt themselves after suffering attacks in 2012 and 2013 that shook the cities and took the lives of many. As the responsible party of any facility or public event security planning and practice plays a vital part in a city subject to future acts of selfless acts of crimes or acts of terrorism. Societal structures, such as schools, malls and churches, are key elements of American lifestyles. Public events such as concerts, marathons, or parades, host millions of people at any given time making them subjective to mass terrorist attacks. Terrorist groups focus on creating organized chaos and inflicting major damage on areas and people. Like the events of September 11th, terrorist events are not always in a particular area at a particular time. This was shown to be true with past events such as the Newton School Shootings and the Boston Marathon Shooting.
Eli Saslow, author of “After Newtown shootings, Pennsylvania county hires armed school guards” explores previous school shootings and security. The Washington Post discusses how security measures have changed from that of Columbine. It talks about the use of metal detectors, intercoms, surveillance systems, and now gun toting teachers. Education systems in Pennsylvania, Utah, and Tennessee are now training teachers to carry firearms, or hiring “security specialists” at a rate of $11.50 per hour (2013, para. 1). Frank Cichra, one of the paid officers protecting schools, ponders,” Was he protecting kids ' environment or changing it?” (2013). The basis of the article was to find additional ways to ensure that beyond
References: Bellavita, C. (2008, June). Changing homeland security: What is homeland Security? Homeland Security Affairs, 4(2). Retrieved from http://www.hsaj.org/?fullarticle=4.2.1 Hewitt, H. (2013, Apr 22). The boston marathon terrorists and immigration reform. The Examiner. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1335075773?accountid=458 Saslow, E. (2013, Feb 05). After Newtown shootings, Pennsylvania county hires armed school guards (posted 2013-02-05 17:16:25). The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1284116981?accountid=458