Declaration 3
1. Introduction 4
2. Quantitative content analysis 4
3. Media audience theory 4
4. Questionnaires surveys in media research 7
5. Self assessment and self reflection 9
Sources consulted 10
I hereby declare that this assignment is my original work, written by me and that is my own effort and that no part has been plagiarized without citations
Student name: Petrina Shitalangaho Date: 18/08/2013
In this assignment one can expect to see the discussions on effect of mass communication on people and the society and how different theories are used. Furthermore it entails on how can choose the correct research methods
1.Quantitative Content Analysis
2.1The Purpose of this research is to establish and analyse the knowledge of the portrayal of violence on television by examining week-long samples of prime-time networking programming broadcast compared between the spring of 1993 and the fall of 2001, looking for change in the amount of violence as well as more information about the context of violence
2.2 Its both Quantitative and Qualitative research
Because it is clearly and precisely specifying both the independent and the dependent variables under further eliminating and minimizing subjectivity of judgment, Kealey (1996:30)
Because the researcher obtain more realistic feel of the world that cannot be experienced in the numerical data and statistical analysis used in quantitative research. This approach focuses on media and audiences who actively selected media to satisfy particular needs ( Schroder 1999:39)
2. Media and Audience Theory
Uses and gratifications
One influential tradition in media research is referred to as ‘uses and gratifications’ (occasionally needs and
References: 1. Fourie, PJ (ed).2009. Media studies: media content and media audiences. Volume 3. Landsdowne, Cape Town: Juta. 2. 3. 4. Julie Reid and Marie van Heerden (ed).2009. COM303A.University of south Africa, Pretoria