For the purpose of identifying mitigating factors and actions for Contex Limited regards the impact of new carbon pricing mechanism on the business, this report will implement a series of analyzing activities that are probably involved with calculation, estimation and giving recommendations. In addition, there are 6 different activities will be operated and each of them will be discussed and explained in depth. For activity 1-3, three scopes, which are the main source of greenhouse gas for Contex Limited and related data, will be quantified and calculated with reference to The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Technical Guidelines, 2011. Activity 4 will focus on the monitoring mechanism and its relation with accounting professions. Activity 5 will be discussing the financial impact of carbon pricing on Contex Limited and Activity 6 will be recommendations given under the current circumstances and future opportunities will also be identified.
Activity 1
As refer to The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Technical Guidelines, 2011, 4 different methods are established which aim to measure and calculate amount of emissions released, and each of them will be demonstrated as follows:
Method 1: the National Greenhouse Accounts default method
Method 1 is likely to be most useful for emission sources where the source is relatively homogenous, such as from the combustion of standard liquid fossil fuels, where the emissions resulting from combustion will be very similar across most facilities. In other words, Method 1 is focus on the source of emission rather than the facility, which generate those emissions, and it is adopted where the single or similar source of emission is emerged.
Method 2: a facility-specific method using industry sampling and Australian or international standards listed in the Determination or equivalent for analysis of fuels and raw materials to provide more accurate estimates of