(3) Environmental uncertainty What works in a stable environment may not work or be totally inappropriate in a rapidly changing and unpredictable environment.
(4) Individual differences. differences are important when managers select motivation techniques, leadership styles and job designs.
Body of management thought, based on the premises that there is no single best way to manage because every situation and every manager is different. Therefore, there are only a few universal management principles, and an appropriate management style depends on the demands of a particular situation. See also classical school of management, quantitative school of management, and systems school of management.
Fayol – theorist - Fayol’s 14 principles then and now
Management style that changes according to the situation, and the type of decision to be made between autocratic, consultative, democratic and other styles. See alsocontingency school of management.
Contingency theory is a behavioral theory that claims that there is no single best way to design organizational structures. The best way of organizing e.g. a company, is, however, contingent upon the internal and external situation of the company. The contingency approach to organizational design tailors the design of the company to the sources of environmental uncertainties faced by the organization. The point is to design an organizational structure that can handle uncertainties in the environment effectively and efficiently. Therefore, previous theories such as Weber's theory of bureaucracy and Taylor's scientific management approach sometimes fail because they neglect that