One of the things I have learned to use to help me learn and comprehend information is my personal learning style. “Learning styles are referred to as the characteristic ways in which …show more content…
I asked a few professors, and I took a short course online. Soon I was able to past almost all my essays with flying colors. During 10th grade I begin losing interest, so I decided to do something about it. I joined a poetry club a few of the other students were putting together voluntary. I became more and more familiar with the writing technique I begin using it as an outlet, a personal sounding board to get my point across. Being successful whether in college or your career depends upon your writing and thinking skills. “The writing process is a chain of steps to follow as you take an idea and create a completed piece of writing.” (Anonymous, 2008, p. 18) The writing process is a guide that leads you through the different writing stages. First you must choose your topic, recognizing the audience, references, and word count. Then it goes into making an outline, your thesis statement and writing a rough draft, and finally polishing it into the finished paper. It breaks your paper into smaller more manageable pieces that are easier to accomplish. I believe the writing process will help me in college a lot, because it not only helps you write papers, but it also gives you a guide to go by with any assignment. The writing process is a learning tool, it teaches you to set timelines, know what is being asked of you, and to gather correct …show more content…
My main personal goal is to become a Suboxone counselor so that I can help people better their lives and families reunite. The university of phoenix is a resource in itself that I plan on using to further my education and learn the necessary learning materials I need to learn to be a counselor. Another resource is the phoenix career services which helps me know what education I need to reach my career goal, as well as aiding in resumes and job searches to get me started in my desired career. The university has so many resources to help students be successful inside or outside of the classroom such as the syllabus which puts your learning activities and assignments for the current week and upcoming weeks on one page; so you always know what assignments and learning activities you need to complete and by when. I have started implementing this in my life so I always know when to do homework, my work schedule, upcoming appointments, and free time that I can spend with my children. Another source is the life resource center. It teaches you how to balance life, work, and college. They have an assortment of online and telephone counselors, life coaches, and career coaches that are there to support you anytime you need them. One of my fears was balancing work, school, and my children, but this resource has articles, tips, and counselors that help me find a schedule that works for